Volume 12, Issue 37 (Dec 2002)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2002, 12(37): 20-29 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (16095 Views)
Background and purpose: The acute lower respiratory tract infective agents in children are different. The rate of their role in causing infection differs with the age of patients, season, geographical areas and diagnostic methods. The aim of this study is to determine the rate of the role of respiratory syncytial and influenza viruses in Mazandaranian children infected with acute lower respiratory tract infection.
Materials and methods: Çhildren with the age range of 1 month to 10 years, infected with lower respiratory tract infection and admitted in pediatric ward of Boali Sina(Sari) and Âmir kola(Babol) hospitals were under study for detection of respiratory syncytial and influenza Â.B viruses by indirect immunofluorescent methods from pharyngeal and nasopharyngeal secretions and their relation with clinical, laboratory and radiologic findings, seasonal activity of the involved age groups were compared statistically.
Results : 150 admitted children with the age ranges of 1 month to 7 months were under study. Duration of research was 7 months, starting from september to march. 37 viruses (in 4 cases two of the same virus was detected) were isolated from 33 (22%) individuals. Ïn 18(12%) cases respiratory syncytial virus was detected, which had the highest rate of prevalence from march to may. Ïnfluenza  virus in 14(9.3%) cases and Ïnfluenza B virus in 5(3.3%) cases had the highest prevalence in march. Ïnfants under 2 years with rate of 73% were the highest infected age group.
Çonclusion: The above detected viruses have major role in causing respiratory air- way infection in infants under 2 years. No significant clinical and laboratory differences were observed between positive and negative causing agent groups. More comprehensive study for years period in order to identify the role of different acute lower respiratory air way infections is recommended in order to clear their relationship with different clinical and laboratory findings for establishment of preventive and treatment measures.
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Type of Study: Research(Original) |

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