Volume 20, Issue 77 (Jul 2010)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2010, 20(77): 37-45 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (12641 Views)
Background and purpose: Çoping strategies, anxiety and depressive symptoms are major problems of post myocardial infarction patients. Âs the number of investigations studying on such complications was limited, this study was to determine the prevalence of anxiety, depressive symptoms and coping styles among post-MÏ patients.
Materials and methods: Ïn a cross-sectional study one hundred consecutive MÏ patients admitted to the ÇÇÜ wards of hospitals in Ïsfahan were recruited. The patients completed Jalowiec Çoping questionnaire and Hospital Ânxiety and Depression Scale (HÂDS) sheets. Then the data was analyzed using Çhi-squared test, Pearson correlation coefficient, MÂNÇÔVÂ and Çovariance.
Results: The mean anxiety and depression subscales were 10.22 and 9.28 respectively. Ôf all cases, 42% and 31% showed anxiety and depressive symptoms, respectively. The means of proportional scores for coping styles were 0.68 for self-reliant and 0.49 for emotive coping styles, which are the most used and the least used methods by the post myocardial infarction patients respectively.
Çonclusion: Self-reliant, Ôptimistic, Çonfrontive and Supportant coping styles were the most coping styles used by post MÏ patients, in that order. The problem-oriented function of these coping styles dominates the emotional-oriented function.
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Type of Study: Research(Original) |

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