Publication Ethics

 | Post date: 2024/11/17 | 
As a member of the Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences Journals, the “Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences” is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics. These standards are based on the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines, and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). 

Authorship Criteria
By submitting a manuscript, the corresponding author confirms that the manuscript has been read and approved by all co-authors, and that all authors agree to the submission to the Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommends the following four criteria for authorship:
  • Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
  • Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
  • Final approval of the version to be published; AND
  • Accountability for all aspects of the work, ensuring that any questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
It is a requirement that all individuals listed as authors fulfill these criteria at the time of submission. Contributors who do not meet these criteria should be acknowledged in the Acknowledgements section, not listed as authors.
Ethical Guidelines for Authors
All authors are responsible for adhering to the following ethical guidelines and ensuring that they comply with these standards throughout the publication process:
Originality: Corresponding authors must ensure that the submitted manuscript contains original work, with no portion previously published or under simultaneous consideration elsewhere. Data, results, and ideas presented must be novel, and any previously published work must be cited appropriately. Fabrication, falsification, or manipulation of data is prohibited.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism in any form—including the use of others' work, ideas, or data without proper citation—is unacceptable and will result in the immediate rejection of the manuscript.
Permission for Use of Data: If authors use information obtained through media, personal communications, or proprietary data, prior written permission from the original source must be obtained and clearly stated in the manuscript.
Accurate Referencing: Corresponding authors must ensure that all references cited in the manuscript are accurate and complete. References should be cross-checked for accuracy and correctness before submission.
Promotion and Integrity: Corresponding authors must ensure that their manuscript is free from unethical promotion practices. Only individuals who have significantly contributed to the research should be listed as authors.
Conflict of Interest: Corresponding authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest—whether financial, personal, or professional—that may influence the manuscript's content. Such disclosures must be made at the time of submission.
Creative Commons Licensing: Authors must comply with the Creative Commons licensing policy for publication, ensuring that the work is available under the specified terms for public access.
Copyright Transfer: Corresponding authors are required to submit a copyright transfer form once their manuscript is accepted for publication, in accordance with the journal's policy.
By following these ethical guidelines, corresponding authors uphold the integrity of the research process and contribute to the credibility of the scientific record.

Ethical Code and Informed Consent
1. Ethical Approval
Research involving humans: For studies involving human participants, authors must obtain approval from an appropriate ethics committee or institutional review board (IRB). This approval must be explicitly stated in the manuscript, including the name of the ethics committee and the approval number (if applicable). Research must adhere to the Declaration of Helsinki and other relevant ethical guidelines concerning the treatment of human subjects.
Research involving animals: For studies involving animals, authors must confirm that the study complies with the relevant laws, regulations, and institutional guidelines for the care and use of animals in research. Ethical approval must be obtained from an institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) or equivalent body.
2. Informed Consent
Obtaining informed consent: Authors must ensure that written, informed consent was obtained from all participants (or their legal guardians, where applicable) before any data were collected, particularly for studies involving sensitive personal information. The consent should be in a language understandable to the participants, detailing the purpose of the research, the procedures, potential risks, and their right to withdraw from the study at any time without penalty.
Privacy and Confidentiality: Authors must ensure the privacy and confidentiality of research participants. Any personal information disclosed in the research, such as names, images, or identifiable data, must only be published with explicit consent from the individuals involved. In studies that involve sensitive personal data, authors should follow the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or other applicable privacy laws.
Publication of Identifiable Data: If any identifiable data, including photographs or videos, are included in the manuscript, authors must include a statement confirming that written consent for publication was obtained from the participants. In the case of minors or vulnerable populations, parental or guardian consent must be obtained and noted in the manuscript.
3. Statement of Ethical Responsibility
Authors must include a statement in the Methods section of the manuscript confirming that ethical guidelines were followed. This includes stating that informed consent was obtained and that ethical approval was granted by an appropriate committee. This ensures that all research is conducted in accordance with accepted ethical standards and that participants' rights are protected.
4. Conflict of Interest and Funding
Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, including financial or personal relationships that may influence the conduct or interpretation of the research. This disclosure should be made in the Conflict of Interest section of the manuscript. Authors must also disclose any sources of funding, grants, or financial support received for the research, in compliance with the ICMJE guidelines.
By adhering to these ethical principles and obtaining informed consent, authors uphold the integrity of the research process, protect the rights of participants, and ensure the trustworthiness of their findings. Ethical conduct in research is essential for advancing knowledge while maintaining respect for human dignity and rights.
Misconduct and Retraction Policy
The Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in publication, in line with the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines. Any suspected misconduct—whether by authors, reviewers, or editors—will be investigated thoroughly and managed with transparency and fairness. When misconduct is identified, the journal will take appropriate action, including the potential retraction of articles, to preserve the integrity of the scientific record.
1. Misconduct
Misconduct refers to any act of research or publication malpractice that violates the principles of research integrity. The journal follows COPE's guidelines in investigating and addressing instances of misconduct. Misconduct may include, but is not limited to:
Plagiarism: The unauthorized use or reproduction of another person’s work, data, or ideas without proper citation.
Data fabrication or falsification: The manipulation or invention of data, results, or research findings that were not obtained through legitimate methods.
Duplicate publication: Submitting or publishing the same article in multiple journals without proper disclosure of prior submission or publication.
Author misconduct: Issues such as inappropriate authorship (ghost authorship, honorary authorship) or failure to obtain necessary approvals (e.g., from co-authors or ethics committees).
Failure to disclose conflicts of interest: Not revealing any financial, professional, or personal interests that may influence the study, analysis, or publication.
Violation of ethical standards: Conducting research that does not adhere to ethical guidelines, such as failing to obtain informed consent or approval from an institutional ethics review board (IRB).
If any of the above forms of misconduct are suspected, the Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences will take the following steps:
Investigation: The editorial team will investigate the allegations by reviewing the manuscript, consulting with the authors, and seeking expert advice where necessary.
Response from Authors: Authors will be given the opportunity to respond to the allegations and provide clarification or evidence.
2. Action Taken in Response to Misconduct
Following the investigation, the editorial team will decide on the appropriate action. Possible actions include:
Correction: If the issue involves a minor error, oversight, or miscommunication, a correction will be issued, and the article will be updated with a correction notice. The correction will be clearly linked to the original article in order to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
Retraction: If the misconduct is found to be serious enough to invalidate the findings or the research process (such as falsification of data, plagiarism, or failure to obtain ethical approval), the article will be retracted. The retraction notice will be published clearly indicating the reason for retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article, and the retracted article will remain in the archive with a clear statement marking it as retracted.
Expression of Concern: In some cases, a less severe response may be appropriate, such as issuing an Expression of Concern if the issue is under investigation but the article has not yet been conclusively deemed problematic.
Referral to Institutions: If necessary, the matter may be referred to the author’s institution, funding bodies, or relevant regulatory authorities for further investigation or disciplinary action. In cases of severe misconduct, the journal may report the incident to professional societies or regulatory bodies.
Sanctions on Authors: In severe cases, such as repeated or serious misconduct, the authors involved may be prohibited from submitting future manuscripts to the journal.
3. Retraction
A retraction may be issued when significant errors, ethical violations, or misconduct are identified in a published article. The decision to retract an article is made to maintain the integrity of the scientific record and to correct the literature when necessary.
Retractions may be necessary in the following cases:
Falsification or fabrication of data: If it is found that data has been manipulated or fabricated in a way that undermines the article’s findings, a retraction will be issued.
Plagiarism: If substantial portions of the manuscript have been plagiarized and cannot be corrected, the article will be retracted.
Duplicate publication: If the article has been submitted or published elsewhere without appropriate disclosure or permission, it will be retracted.
Ethical violations: If research was conducted without proper ethical approval, informed consent, or adherence to ethical standards, retraction may be warranted.
Author disputes: If authorship has been attributed incorrectly, or if an article has been published without the consent of all authors, it may lead to retraction.
When a retraction is issued, the journal will publish a clear and concise retraction notice indicating the reason for the retraction. The original article will remain accessible, but it will be clearly marked as retracted, and the retraction notice will link to the original content to preserve the scientific record.
In cases where retraction is required, the journal will adhere to COPE's Retraction Guidelines, ensuring that the reasons for retraction are transparently communicated to readers and the broader scientific community.
4. Responsibilities of Authors, Reviewers, and Editors
Authors: Authors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy, originality, and integrity of their work. They must follow ethical guidelines, disclose any conflicts of interest, and ensure that all co-authors approve the manuscript. If errors or misconduct are identified after publication, authors must promptly notify the journal and work with the editorial team to correct the issue.
Reviewers: Reviewers play a critical role in ensuring the ethical quality of the work. They are responsible for identifying any ethical concerns during the peer review process, such as signs of plagiarism, data manipulation, or inadequate ethical approval.
Editors: Editors are responsible for enforcing ethical publication practices, including ensuring that manuscripts undergo a fair review process. They must take swift and impartial action when misconduct or ethical violations are suspected, following COPE's guidelines for retraction and misconduct.
5. Reporting Misconduct
In cases where misconduct is suspected, authors, reviewers, or editors may report concerns to the journal’s editorial team. The journal commits to handling all allegations of misconduct with fairness, impartiality, and confidentiality, ensuring that any necessary corrective action is taken in accordance with COPE guidelines.
Data Sharing and Repositories
To promote transparency, reproducibility, and further scientific progress, the Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences encourages authors to share their research data in publicly accessible repositories. Authors are invited to upload the datasets underlying their findings to appropriate, reputable data repositories, where possible. This practice not only enhances the credibility and integrity of the research but also provides valuable resources for future research.
Authors are encouraged to:
Deposit data in established repositories: Authors should deposit their data in reputable and domain-specific repositories that follow best practices for data storage, citation, and accessibility.
Ensure data availability: Authors must clearly state in the manuscript whether the data is publicly available or, if there are restrictions, the reasons for non-disclosure.
Cite the data: If datasets are shared, they should be cited properly in the manuscript, and authors should provide a DOI or other persistent identifier, if available.
Provide data upon request: In cases where data cannot be deposited in a public repository, authors should indicate their willingness to make the data available upon reasonable request to other researchers, provided that confidentiality and ethical considerations are met.
By sharing data, authors contribute to the openness and reproducibility of research and foster collaboration within the scientific community.

Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Manuscripts
As the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in research and manuscript preparation becomes increasingly common, the Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences requires authors to be transparent about the role of AI in their research and writing processes. In line with ICMJE guidelines, authors are expected to disclose any use of AI or automated tools that contributed to the research, analysis, writing, or editing of the manuscript.
Authors are required to:
Disclose AI Assistance in the Cover Letter: Authors must explicitly mention in the cover letter accompanying the manuscript submission if AI tools were used in the preparation of the manuscript, including details about the specific AI tools or software and the nature of their involvement. This disclosure should include whether AI was used for writing, data analysis, literature review, or other aspects of the research and manuscript preparation.
Disclose AI Assistance in the Manuscript: In addition to the cover letter, the use of AI tools must be disclosed in the manuscript itself. Authors should describe the specific tools or software used, the role AI played in the research or manuscript writing process, and the authors' responsibility for the content. This information should be provided either in the Methods section or in a separate Acknowledgments section, where applicable.
Authorship and Responsibility: AI cannot be credited as an author or co-author of the manuscript. The ICMJE guidelines clearly state that authorship is based on substantial contributions to the conception, design, analysis, interpretation of data, drafting or revising the manuscript, and final approval of the version to be published. If AI tools were used in the analysis or creation of content, authors must take full responsibility for the manuscript's integrity and accuracy.
Ethical Considerations: Authors must ensure that the use of AI in their research and manuscript preparation does not compromise the originality, quality, or ethical standards of the work. For example, AI-generated content must not constitute plagiarism, and AI tools should not be used to manipulate or fabricate data. Authors are expected to adhere to the ethical principles of transparency, accuracy, and honesty in their use of AI tools.
Potential Conflicts of Interest: If the use of AI tools or services has any potential conflict of interest (such as commercial sponsorship or proprietary software), this must be disclosed in the manuscript, in accordance with the ICMJE Conflict of Interest guidelines.
Final Disclosure in the Article: In the Acknowledgments or Methods section of the manuscript, authors should also include a statement confirming the use of AI tools. This disclosure should specify the nature of the AI's involvement and confirm that the authors take full responsibility for the content of the article.
By clearly disclosing the role of AI in their manuscript, authors ensure transparency and maintain the trustworthiness of their research. The Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences encourages the responsible use of AI tools to enhance scientific discovery, while upholding rigorous standards for authorship and ethical research practices.

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