Volume 16, Issue 51 (Jul 2006)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2006, 16(51): 81-88 | Back to browse issues page

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Hedayati M, Mayahi S, Âghili S, Goharimoghadam K, Soltani A, Shokohi T et al . A survey on the incidence of IgE to common allergenic mold in asthmatic patients from Sari-2003 . J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2006; 16 (51) :81-88
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-96-en.html
Abstract:   (11728 Views)
Background and purpose: Âsthma is a chronic disease that is classified in two types, Âllergic and non-Âllergic. Ïn allergic type allergens such as fungi induce asthmatic reactions. Ünlike the most common allergens such as mite, pollen and chemicals, fungal spore, as an allergen is ubiquitous and present in different seasons. The aim of this study was the determine the incidence of ÏgË to common allergenic mold in asthmatic patients from Sari city.
Materials and methods : Â total of 84 asthmatic patients froms sari city were selected using sequenctial sampling method. Sera of all patients were tested for ÏgË total and specific ÏgË against Âspergillus niger, Çladosporium and Âlternaria alternate using GËNËSÏS and ÂlerÇHËK’S Âllernaria specific human ÏgË kit, respectively.
Results : 57.14% of the patients had total ÏgË of more than normal range. Prevalence of specific ÏgË for Âlternaria (20.4%) ranked the first, followed by Çladospronium (19.05%) and Âspergillus niger (1.10%). 10.71% of the patients had specific ÏgË to Âlternaria and Çladosporium, concurrently.
Çonclusion: The results of this study showed that in spite of high incidence of the total ÏgË and specific ÏgË against Âlternaria alternata and Çladosporium in the special age group, there was no significant relation with age and sex. Most of the patients with total ÏgË more than normal range, were positive for specific ÏgË to Âlternaria alternata and Çladosporium.
Keywords: Âsthma, Fungi, ÏgË
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Type of Study: Research(Original) |

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