Peyvandi S, Hosseini S, Daneshpour M, Mohammadpour R, Qolami N. The Prevalence of depression, anxiety and marital satisfaction and related factors in infertile women referred to infertility clinics of Sari city in 2008. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2011; 20 (80) :26-32
Abstract: (15118 Views)
Background and purpose: Stress due to infertility cause marital dissatisfaction, low self steam and decreased intercourse frequency in couples. Âccording to different studies on psychosocial problem in infertile couples, this study was carried out to determine the prevalence of depression, anxiety and marital satisfaction in 200 infertile women referred to the Ïnfertility clinics in Sari (2008).
Materials and methods: Ïn this descriptive study, 200 infertile women were selected among patients referred to the Ïmam Khomeini Hospital and Sant Mary Ïnfertility Çlinics. Three questionnaires including Ketel anxiety, Beck depression and Ënrich marital satisfaction questionnaire were used for data collection. Âll patients were provided with information about the aim and purpose of the study and a consent form was signed if they agreed to participate in the study. Then questionnaires were completed by patients. Çhi-square test for qualitative variables and the t-test for quantitative variables were used for data analysis using SPSS software (version 16).
Results: Ôf those 200 original sample, 124 (62%) were suffered from various degrees of depression. Ôf these, 55 (27.5%) had mild depression, 51 (25.5%) moderate depression and 18 patients (9%) had severe depression. Âlso 101 of 200 patients (50.5%) had no anxiety, 38 (19%) had mild anxiety, 35 (17.5%) had moderate anxiety, 22 (11%) had severe anxiety and 4 cases (2%) had very severe anxiety. Ôf those patients participating in the study %27 had marital dissatisfaction. There was a significant relationship between marital satisfaction with severity of depression and anxiety. Ïn patients with low level of severity of depression and anxiety, marital satisfaction was high (p<0.05).
Çonclusion: Âccording to the results of this study it seems that the presence of psychologists and clinical psychiatrists in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility centers are useful in helping infertile patients to cope better with stress caused by infertility.