Abdol Sattar Pagheh, Mahdi Fakhar, Fateme Mesgarian, Shirzad Gholami, Farhad Badiee,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (3-2011)
Background and purpose: Golestan Province is one of the endemic foci of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). This study aimed at assessing specific-PCR on Giemsa's stained slides for diagnosis of CL as well as detecting the species of Leishmania parasite in the patients referring to health center laboratory of Gonbad-e-Qabus.
Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in 2010. To diagnose the disease, direct smear (DS) from skin lesions were obtained and stained with Giemsa. If DS was negative, specific PCR on kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) extracted from direct smear would be used to identify the genus and species of Leishmania parasite. The data were analyzed using SPSS software.
Results: Direct smear examination showed that out of 303 suspected patients, 238 (78.5%) were infected by CL. Furthermore, the PCR result was positive in 34 (52.3%) out of 65 smears which direct examination did not reveal Leishmania amastigotes. Using species-specific primers, Leishmania species isolated from all patients were Leishmania major.
Conclusion: In most cases the DS is reported negative and it has a low sensitivity in contrast to PCR therefore, it is suggested that PCR method be used in suspected patients particularly in endemic regions because of its accurate diagnosis.
Hajar Ziaei Hezarjaribi, Abdolhoseyn Dalimi, Maryam Ghasemi, Ramezan Ghafari, Samira Esmaeili, Saber Armat, Fereshteh Jivad,
Volume 21, Issue 1 (2-2012)
Background and purpose: Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are very common throughout the world. In this study the prevalence of vaginitis caused by Trichomonas vaginalis, Candida albicans and pathogenic bacteria was investigated in women referring for Pap smear to Imam Khomeini and Boalicina hospitals in Sari, 2008-9.
Materials and methods: In this descriptive retrospective study, a total of 1832 files archive were randomly selected and examined for presence of Trichomonas vaginalis, Candida albicans and pathogenic bacteria. The data was analyzed by chi-square test using SPSS software.
Results: The results indicated, 191 cases (10.42%) of vaginitis, where the rates of trichomoniasis, candidaiasis and bacterial infections were 14 (7.3%), 89 (46.6%) and 88 (46.1%), respectively. There was a significant difference between different age groups and vaginitis (P = 0.008) caused by Trichomonas vaginalis, Candida albicans and pathogenic bacteria.
Conclusion: Sexually transmitted diseases as part of health problems affect communities at different ages, therefore, high risk individuals should receive more attention to gain immediate help.
Ahmad Daryani, Hamed Kalani, Mahdi Sharif, Hajar Ziaei, Shahabeddin Sarvi, Ehsan Ahmadpour,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (2-2012)
Toxoplasma gondii is an obligatory intracellular protozoan that infects all warm-blooded vertebrates. Almost one-third of people throughout the world are infected by this parasite. Although toxoplasmosis is often lethal in HIV/AIDS patients, neoplastic disease, bone marrow or heart transplant recipients, it results in life-long protective immunity in healthy people. Hence, different antigens of T. gondii such as membrane, cytoplasmic and excreted-secreted antigens (ESA) can be potential candidates for immunization. Among these antigens, ESAs play an important role in induction of immune system responses. Dense granules, micronemes and rhoptries are secretory organelles in Apicomplexa protozoa. The contents of T. gondii are factors of recognition and attachment to cells, making parasitophorous vacuole (PV), and intracellular proliferation and survival, and pathogenesis. This article reviews different kinds of ESA released from these structures. It seems necessary to identify molecular aspects of ESA before diagnosis, treatment and immunization studies.
Hajar Ziaei Hezarjaribi, Abdolhossein Dalimi, Maryam Ghasemi, Samira Esmaeilireykande, Mahdi Fakhar,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (2-2012)
Background and Purpose: Appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix caused by different pathogen agents. Parasites may ectopically enter the appendix and make a verminous appendicitis. The present study aims at investigating the frequency of verminous appendicitis in appendectomies done in two hospitals (Imam Khomeini and BooAli Hospitals). Moreover, the relationship between the vermin and the inflammation of the appendix with demographic factors will be studied.
Material and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, all appendectomized samples collected from the two hospitals in a 5-year period were investigated. Pathologic slides of the appendices were studied to determine the type of pathological lesions and parasites. The diagnosis was done based on microanatomy of helminthes inside the appendices.
Results: Among the 2135 examined appendices, 31 cases (1.45%) were found to be verminous and the rest, 2104 (98.55%), were inverminous. The identified parasites included Enterobius vermicularis (1.40%) and Taenia sp. (0.046%). Furthermore, 23 (74.19%) of the infected cases had inflammation, while 8 (25.81%) didn’t. The verminous appendicitis was found to be more prevalent among patients with less than 10 years old (4.10%).
Conclusion: The results showed the role of parasitic infections causing appendicitis, but lack of inflammation in some parasitic appendicitis needs to be investigated in future.
Yousef Dadimoghaddam, Ahmad Daryani, Hamed Kalani, Ehsan Ahmadpour, Mehdi Sharif, Hajar Ziaei, Shahabeddin Sarvi,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (2-2012)
Background and Purpose: Toxoplasma gondii is an obligatory intracellular parasite in different cells of human beings and animals. The aim of this study was to evaluate presence and movement trend of T. gondii tachyzoites in different tissues of Balb/c, after immunization with Excretory Secretory Antigens (ESA).
Materials and Methods This experimental survey has been performed on 24 Balb/c mice in case and control groups. For immunization of mice, two times, intervals two weeks, case group (n=12) received 40 µL ESA+40µL Adjuvant and control group got 40 µL PBS+40µL Adjuvant. Two weeks after the second immunization, mice were challenged with 1×104 alive and active tachyzoites of T. gondii RH strain and on 1, 2, 3 days and the last day (before death), after challenge different tissues of 3 mice from each group were prepared and stained with Giemsa stain and the slides evaluated for presence or absence of parasites and parasitic load.
Results: Toxoplasma after intraperitoneal injection, in both case and control groups were able to movement to various tissues. In the case group receiving Excretory Secretory Antigens (ESA), parasitic load in spleen, liver and heart was less than control group.
Conclusion: Hence, ESA reduced the parasitic load, but could not inhibit the distribution and presence of Toxoplasma in different tissues.
Hamed Kalani, Ahmad Daryani, Mahdi Fakhar, Mahdi Sharif, Roghiyeh Faridnia,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (2-2012)
Background and purpose: Nowadays the laboratory mice are frequently used in basic science research. However, these animals may be infected with some pathogens as parasites. The study of parasites infecting laboratory mice is important on account of two reasons: 1) zoonotic agents and 2) interference with the results of some studies such as immunology and pharmacology. Thus, we carried out this study to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites, particularly zoonoses, in Swiss-Webster mice.
Materials and methods: In this study, fifty Swiss-Webster mice were randomly purchased from Pasteur Institute of Iran (Amol branch). After euthanizing the mice, their intestinal contents were separately examined using standard parasitological methods.
Results: The results showed that thirty-seven mice (74%) were infected with at least one parasite. The highest prevalence (83.78%) was with Rodentolepis nana and the lowest (2.7%) with Blastocystis sp. This is the first report of natural infection with Blastocystis sp. in laboratory mice. Moreover, our results indicated a high prevalence of two zoonotic parasites in laboratory mice: Rodentolepis nana (83.78%) and Giardia muris (27.01%).
Conclusion: Considering the existence of zoonotic parasites in the mice and the interference of these parasites with some studies, it is necessary for those dealing with these animals to attend to the principles of the Good Laboratory Practice (GLP).
Abdol Sattar Pagheh, Mahdi Fakhar, Mahdi Sharif, Ali Asadikia,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (2-2012)
Background and purpose: Toxoplasma is one of the most common infections among humans and animals. The prevalence of Toxoplasma infection is different in regions according to geographical conditions, habits and history of contact with cats. The present study aims to determine the seroepidemiology of toxoplasma in among children in rural areas of Maraveh- tapeh in Golestan province.
Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out throught 2012. Blood samples was taken from children in rural areas of Maraveh- tapeh including Gook dare, Post dare, Arab gare-Haji, Pachoqhly. Serum samples were tested by IgG-ELISA and IgM-ELISA. The data were registered and then analyzed by SPSS software
Results: A total of 340 subjects, 168 (49.4%) was male and 172 (50.6%) was female. The range of age was between 6 months to 12 years old. Twelve subjects (3.5 %) were positive for IgG anti-toxoplasma by ElISA. The highest seroprevalence rate was detected in 6-12 years old age .Additionally none positive case of IgM anti-toxoplasma was detected.
Conclusion: Our results showed that increasing anti-toxoplasma antibody titers along with age. It could be offered raising awareness regard the disease and its consequences for individuals and society on the one hand the change in dietary habits and health principles adhered to toxoplasmosis, the disease rate.
Taher Elmi, Shirzad Gholami, Mohammad Azadbakht, Hajar Ziaei,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (2-2013)
Background and purpose: Giardia lamblia is the most common intestinal parasites in Iran. Metronidazole is used to treat the infection by prescribing medication this drug has many side effects. There are numerous reports of parasite resistance to the drug. Thus, according to the importance of Giardiasis, the present study was aimed to investigate the effects of chloroformic extract of Tanacetum parthenium in the treatment of Giardia lamblia infection in the cyst stage in Balb/c mice.
Material and Methods: In this experimental study, chloroformic extracts of T. parthenium were prepared in 20, 50 and 100 mg∕ml concentrations. Cysts of Giardia were isolated from positive stool samples 0.85M sucrose solution and Balb/c mice were infected with cysts in five groups. Then, the chloroformic extracts of plant after diluting them were affected once a day for three days in infected mice and the effectiveness its was evaluated until the eight days. The results of study were recorded and compared with the control groups.
Results: The results of the present study had shown that the chloroformic extract of T. parthenium, at concentrations of 50 and 100 mg/ml /per/ kg of body weight in mice could not only decrease the number of viable cysts from the feces of infected mice , but also the viability of cysts. The greatest effect of chloroformic extracts of T. parthenium on Giardia was observed at a concentration of 100 mg/ ml in the infected mice, of which 90% concentrations were treated (P< 0.05).
Conclusion: According to results of this study, the chloroformic extract of T. parthenium at a concentration of 100mg/ml after seven days has the highest effect in the treatment of G. lamblia infection in mice Balb/c. Therefore, in future studies, the effect of T. parthenium in animal models, with increasing concentration and number of treatment, the plant in the various fractions can be evaluated.
Elham Kialashaki, Mahdi Sharif, Mahdi Fakhar, Ahmad Daryani, Abdol Sattar Paghe,
Volume 22, Issue 98 (2-2013)
Background and purpose: Giardia lamblia (G.lamblia) is one of flagellated protozoan pathogens. Giardiasis is the most common human parasite infection in the world, causing a lengthy course of diarrhea. The aim of the present study was to compare five different methods of DNA extraction from G.Lamblia cyst and determining the most efficient DNA extraction method.
Materials and methods: This study was carried out in 30 human fecal samples with Giardia infection. To diagnose giardiasis wet mount from feces and staining with Lougol’s stain were performed. The cysts were purified and concentrated in a sucrose gradient. The isolated DNA from cysts was performed using different methods including freeze-thaw cycles, glass beads, and stool DNA extraction Kit (Accu prep) freeze-thaw cycles and Pheol-Cholorform-Isoamil alcohol (PCI) boiling and PCI sonication and PCI freeze-thaw and high salt. Then the gdh gene was amplified through single round PCR method.
Results: The highest and lowest mean of OD were found in FGK and High salts, respectively. The highest and lowest means of concentration were seen in the freeze-thaw cycles and PCI and the FGK methods, respectively. Moreover, after using the FGK bands of PCR no smears were observed. Also, the lowest time of extraction was detected in FGK method.
Conclusion: To remove problems of DNA extraction and decreasing the time of extraction, glass beads along with Accu prep stool DNA extraction Kit (Bioneer) could be suitable and the most efficient method.
Gholamreza Falah Mohammadi, Sohrab Yousef,
Volume 23, Issue 99 (3-2013)
Background and purpose: The Commission of European Communities (CEC) has developed a guideline in which many common radiographic techniques are determined. Following these guidelines will reduce patient dose and good quality image is obtained. Noncompliance of radiographic centers with standard guidelines not only leads to reduction in radiographic image quality but also wastes resources and increases the rate of radiographic repeat and the risk of radiation damage. In this research X-ray departments’ adherence to European guidelines was assessed.
Materials and methods: In this descriptive study nine hospitals of Mazandaran province with high reception were studied. Adoption of technical data on adult patients in radiographs of lung (PA), abdomen (AP), pelvis (AP), and lumbar spine (AP and lateral) was assessed. The technical information including name of hospital, number of radiographic room, type of test (chest, abdomen, etc.), exposure condition (kVp), the x-ray tube to the patient distance (FFD), the use or non-use of automatic exposure control (AEC) were recorded. The equipment information including type of film- screen and grid ratio were also recorded. The data was then compared with the standards introduced by CEC.
Results: None of the hospitals followed the AEC system. The grid ratio used in radiographic table in all hospitals did not correspond to the recommended value. This study shows that all hospitals follow the FFD recommended by the CEC in the radiographs of the abdomen, pelvis, and lumbar (AP and Lat.). In radiographs of the lungs only one hospital did not follow the FFD selection of the CEC.
Conclusion: In this study the highest rate of compliance with the CEC standard was observed in film-screen selection and the least rate of adherence was found in AEC system, grid ratio and selection of kVp in chest radiographs. The studied X-ray departments’ adherence to European guidelines was 43%.
Ehsan Ahmadpour, Abdolhasan Kazemi, Ahmad Daryani, Adel Spotin, Ahad Bazmani,
Volume 23, Issue 101 (6-2013)
Genes carry instructions to make protein that affect body's cells and their physical activity. They also play an important role in the occurrence of various characteristics in the body. Recently, scientists in the new field of science known as genomics have studied the genetic instructions. Genomics deals with the discovery of all the sequences in the entire genome of organisms and is used to study the sequence, structure and function of the genome.
In the parasitic infections there is a real need to genomics due to necessity of developing vaccines and new drugs (as a result of drug resistance), diagnosing infections, pathogenesis, diagnosing cell signaling, studying the unknown immunology pathways, control and prevention, and the relationship between parasite and host. Also, genomics offers novel insights into the phylogeny, parasite and host relationship, physiology, biochemistry, biology, taxonomy, etc. Considering these points, parasitology and genomics are closely related and it is necessary to use molecular techniques to achieve the aforementioned objectives.
Abdol Sattar Pagheh, Mahdi Fakhar, Mahdi Sharif, Vahid Danesh, Ziba Ahmadi,
Volume 23, Issue 103 (8-2013)
Background and purpose: Recently, a high rate of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) has been reported in Torbat-e-Jam a town in Khorasan Razavi province, Iran. The aim of the present study was to investigate the epidemiological aspects of CL in this district.
Materials and methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in patients referring to health centers of Torbat-e-Jam, during 2009-2011. Diagnosis of CL was made by direct smear and staining was done through Giemsa. Also, specific PCR method was performed for detection of the species of Leishmania spp.
Results: Totally 855 individuals were investigated of whom 504 (58.9%) were found positive through direct smears. Among the subjects 291 (57.7%) were male and 213 (42.3%) were female. The majority (40.5%) of the positive cases were observed in 2011. The most highly infected cases were aged 5-10 years (22.3%) and the least rate was seen amongst those aged >40 years of age (2.6%). Also, Leishmania spp isolated from patients were Leishmania tropica by species specific PCR.
Conclusion: According to the increasing trend of CL, it is believed that a new endemic focus of Anthroponotic CL (ACL) is gradually developing in Torbat-e-Jam. Humans are the main reservoir of ACL, therefore, early diagnosis and treatment among them are of great importance.
Hajar Ziaei-Hezarjaribi, Fatemeh Ghaffarifar, Abdolhossein Dalimi-Asl, Zohreh Sharifi, Oghol Niaz-Jorjani,
Volume 23, Issue 110 (3-2014)
Background and purpose: Previous Research shows the use of plasmids containing genes TSA to be useful as vaccines for Leishmania major. Recently, the role of interleukin-22 (IL-22) in tissue repair has been demonstrated. In this research, the effect of IL-22 on encoding TSA gene of Leishmania major in BALB/c mice was assessed.
Materials and methods: pcDNA3 plasmid containing the gene encoding TSA protein (pcTSA) of Leishmania major, along with the cytokine IL-22 was used. 60 BALB/c mice were divided to 4 groups of 15. Control groups received pcDNA3 and PBS and a group was vaccinated intramuscularly with the TSA gene containing plasmid. Fourth group received plasmid containing the gene for the TSA and IL-22 protein. IL-4 and interferon gamma (IFN-γ) levels (MTT test) were used to evaluate the cellular immunity and IgG2a, IgG1 and Total IgG levels [enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method] to evaluate the humoral immunity. Measuring the diameter of the lesions and the age and weight of the mice was performed.
Results: The simultaneous use of plasmid containing the gene encoding protein TSA and IL-22 significantly increased the mean level of IFN-γ and reduced the mean level of IL-4 compared to the other groups. While the mortality rate at 27th week after intervention was 100 % in the control group, the surveillance rates of pcTSA and pcTSA + IL-22 groups were 80%. pcTSA + IL-22 group had the highest weight in 30th week. pcTSA + IL-22 group had significantly smaller lesions compared to control and pcTSA groups.
Conclusion: Results show the efficacy of pcTSA + IL-22 in improving the vaccination of cutaneous leishmaniasis.
Ehsan Ahmadpour, Shahabeddin Sarvi, Ahmad Daryani, Mehdi Sharif, Mohammad-Bagher Hashemi Souteh, Azadeh Mizani, Kian Rezaee,
Volume 24, Issue 112 (5-2014)
Background and purpose: Toxoplasmosis is a common parasitic disease throughout the world and one-third of the population has antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii. This disease causes serious medical problems in fetuses and immunocompromised individuals. As gene encoding protein GRA14 can be considered as a suitable target for DNA vaccine and designing diagnostic kits the aim of this study was to do cloning and sequencing the gene encoding GRA14 protein of Toxoplasma gondii RH strain.
Materials and methods: DNA extraction was performed on harvested tachyzoites from mouse peritoneal fluid, then PCR carried out and amplification products were analyzed by gel electrophoresis. GRA14 gene was cloned in pTG19-T as a cloning vector, then recombinant plasmid confirmed by the colony-PCR and restriction enzyme digestion using HindIII and EcoRI, followed by sequencing.
Results: Evaluation of PCR products by agarose gel electrophoresis and analysis of nucleotide sequencing of 1227 bp gene encoding the protein GRA14, revealed the complete homology with the recorded sequences in the gene bank. Furthermore, cloning of GRA14 gene in pTG19-T vector was confirmed with colony PCR and restriction enzyme digestion.
Conclusion: The results showed that the GRA14 gene was successfully cloned into the pTG19-T vector and this plasmid can be used to design DNA vaccines and diagnostic kits in further studies.
Mahdi Fakhar, Elham Kialashaki, Mehdi Sharif,
Volume 24, Issue 113 (6-2014)
Giardia lamblia (G. lamblia) is one of most common intestinal parasites that infect a wide range of
vertebrates including human, farm, and wild animals. Molecular studies indicate G. lamblia as a complex
species, consisting of eight genetic assemblages (A to H). Recently, giardiasis has been identified as a
zoonotic parasitic disease. The goal of this narrative study was to review the epidemiology of G. lamblia
in the world, with emphasis on zoonotic aspects and also the molecular status and genotyping of G.
lamblia in Iran. Moreover, the history of giardiasis in Iran between 1999 -2012 was investigated. In this
study, we collected all information about molecular epidemiology of giardiasis in Iran and the world.
Databases consisted of Magiran, Iranmedex, Google Scholar, Pubmed, Science direct, and Scopus. Based
on our results the prevalence of giardiasis in Iran is between 2-36%. We found limited number of studies
on the genotyping of G.lamblia in Iran. These studies found A II and B III as the most common
assemblages. More studies are recommended to investigate the situation of giardiasis on human and
animal samples in different parts of the world, especially in regions with paucity of information about the
genotyping of giardiasis.
Seyad Abdollah Hoseini, Narges Dehgani, Mehdi Sharif, Ahmad Daryani, Sara Gholami, Fatemeh Ebrahimi, Abdol Sattar Pagheh, Nasir Arefkhah,
Volume 24, Issue 114 (7-2014)
Background and purpose: Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by an intercellular protozoan
called Toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasma has global expansion and its prevalence is different in regions
according to geographical conditions, habits and history of contact with cats. The present study
determined the seroepidemiology of toxoplasma in pregnant women attending health centers in two cities
in north of Iran.
Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 289 pregnant women who referred to
health centers in Ramsar and Tonekabon were randomly selected. After the debriefing questionnaire,
blood samples were taken from the subjects. Then IgG and IgM antibodies against T. gondii were
examined by ELISA method. Finally the data was analyzed in SPSS
Results: Positive IgG and IgM anti-Toxoplasma antibody were found in 170 (58.8%) and 7
(2.4%) expectant mothers, respectively. Among the participants four (1.4%) were positive for both IgM
and IgG and 116 (40.1%) were negative for both types of antibodies. There was no significant relation
between the possible risk of T. gondii infection and pregnant women’s place of living, educational level,
age, occupation, exposure to cats, and the consumption of raw meat.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates a high prevalence of Toxoplasma among pregnant women in
Ramsar and Tonekabon. Hence, more training are necessary to raise awareness especially in pregnant
Mahboubeh Taghavi, Mahdi Fakhar, Hajar Ziaei Hezarjaribi, Ahmad Daryani, Shahabeddin Sarvi,
Volume 24, Issue 117 (10-2014)
Background and purpose: Trichomoniasis, is a protozon infection in lower urinary reproductive tract with various prevalence rate in different populations. In this study we investigated that as a neglected parasitic disease in Women's Clinic attending Teaching Hospitals affiliated with Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences.
Material and methods: This descriptive study was performed in 1900 samples during 2006-2014. Active and passive case finding was conducted at 400 patients and 1500 archived smears, respectively. After preparing a demographical check list, the wet smears of vaginal specimens and Pap smears were microscopically examined. For molecular confirmation of positive samples the nested PCR was performed. To analyze the data chi-square test was applied in using SPSS V.19.
Results: A total of 1900 samples were analyzed in this study of which 21 (1.1%) were infected with Trichomonas vaginalis. The 1100 bp band corresponding actin gene T. vaginalis was successfully amplified. Also, 64.7% of positive samples had trichomoniasis، candidiasis and bacterial co-infections. The prevalence of infection was higher in those aged 35-44 years of old.
Conclusion: The results showed that prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis was relatively low in studied area. But, the disease is regarded as neglected among women aged 35 to 44 years of old. Therefore, further investigations are recommended among this age group.
Somayeh Namroodi,
Volume 24, Issue 120 (1-2015)
Background and purpose: Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is one of the fatal zoonotic diseases of dogs and humans that is created by Leishmania infantum. Wild and domestic canids are the main reservoirs. Recent reports have shown the growth of leishmaniasis in non-endemic areas of Iran such as Golestan province (in northeast of Iran). Jackals (Canis aureus) are widely distributed in rural areas of Golestan province. So, this study was carried out to survey the role of jackals in epidemiology of visceral leishmaniasis in Golestan province.
Materials and methods: Serum sample of 60 jackals has been collected and analyzed by
ELIZA kit.
Results: According to the kit instruction, 5(8.3%) serum samples have been found positive. Frequency of infection was similar in both sexes and different seasons.
Conclusion: L.infantum infection of sampled jackals revealed presence of L.infantum in sampling areas and also the possibility of L.infantum spread among wild and rural areas by jackals. More vast and molecular studies with high sensitivity and specificity on L.infantum of jackals are recommended to obtain more accurate information on the role of jackals in spreading leishmaniasis.
Maryam Ghobaditara, Mahdi Fakhar, Mehdi Karamian, Mehdi Sharif,
Volume 24, Issue 121 (2-2015)
Human cercarial dermatitis (HCD) known as swimmer’s itch is a zoonotic disease caused by penetration of cercariae of birds or ruminants schistosomiasis through the human skin. The cercariae can develop to schistosomula but remains in the skin until it dies. In that case, the released protease enzymes cause dermatitis. Recently, this neglected disease has received much attention in different parts of the world. This study is a narrative review of the published articles regarding the present status of HCD. The data were collected from available scientific databases such as Google Scholar, Pubmed, Web of science, Scopus, Springer and Scientific Information Database (SID), Iran medex, etc. Trichobilharzia was identified as the main causative agent of HCD which includes over 40 species of avian parasites. Also, the aquatic birds (family Anatidae) are known as the main hosts of Trichobilharzia. Several snails are known as intermediate hosts of these agents, which Lymnea is dominant (in southern regions of Iran Melanoides Tubercolata). HCD is a job-related disease which is seen mostly in paddy field workers and swimmers due to contact with contaminated water. Few studies have been conducted in Iran on this disease, so further studies are suggested. Migratory birds have an important role in infecting water resources, consequently strategic plans to control the disease among birds that could also prevent the disease transmission to humans is recommended.
Fathmeh Sayahi, Mahboubeh Hossini, Hajare Ziaei, Shirzad Gholami,
Volume 24, Issue 121 (2-2015)
Background and purpose: Study of the geographical distribution of Enterobiasis (Oxyuriasis) not only helps in early diagnosis and treatment of the disease but alsoprovides more informationin recognizing the factorsaffectingthetransmissionof parasite in children. The aim of thisstudy was to investigate the geographical distribution of the diseasein Mazandaran province as a common helminthes disease during 1991 to2013.
Materials and methods: This review study was performed by collecting the data onthe geographical distribution of disease during 22 years. Data was obtained by reviewing the published literature and Internetsearchengines. Data was then classified and Arc GIS, 9.2 was applied to map the geographical distribution of thedisease.
Results: According to this study, the maximum levels of infection with Enterobiasis were seen in nurseries in Babol (33.6%) in 1998 and in girls attending nurseries in Sari (29.5%) in 1999. The mean prevalence of disease in Bahshar, Sari, Babol and Fereydunkenar were more than 4% which was found to be more in children. In western regions of the province, Tonekabon was found with a high prevalence of Enterobiasis (2-4%), while in central region of Mazandaran Joibar and Nekahthe prevalence rate was less than one percent.
Conclusion: The study of geographical prevalence of Enterobiasis during 22 years has shown the patterns of disease distribution in Mazandarnprovince. These results could be beneficial in diagnosis and treatment of Enterobiasis and also in future studies.