R Savadkoohi , Sh Ëram,
Volume 11, Issue 30 (3-2001)
Background and purpose : Nowdays tuberculosis is wide spreed and is the main cause of mortality in the world. Ânnually, there are 1300000 TB patients, of which 450000 infected children die. This research was designed in order to study clinically and para clinically the T.B. infected children referred to Âmir Kola pediatrics hospital in the years 1994-98.
Materials and Methods : This is a descriptive cross sectional study, evaluated by referring to the files of 18 TB. patients with clinical symptoms and laboratory confirmed diagnostic tests admitted to Âmir Kola pediatrics hospital from Ôctober 1994 to march 1998.
Results : The ratio of male to female patients was 1:95, and 44.5% of the patients were in the group of under 3 years.
No relevance was observed between the prevalence of the disease and the season. 39.9% of the patients were rural and 60.1% were urban citizens the main cause of referring was coughing 77.7%. Ïn 77.7% of the patients ËSR was more than normal. ÇRP was positive in 94.5%. chest X-ray confirmed TB in 88%. Ïn this study 72.2% of the patients were infected with. pulmonary tuberculesis and 27.8% with arthritis and osteomyelitis. Ïn all the patients, treatment with four drugs combination was successful.
Çonclusion : Ïn most of the cases, the result was same as given by other workers. Knowledge of the patients on different clinical pictures of TB mould help in early diagnosis. Ïf a child is living in contaminated areas, and having cough for more than three weeks, persistant fever, weight loss, sweating at night, or any other symptoms, should be tested for tuberculosis
E Yousefi Âbdolmalehi, S Seyfi,
Volume 21, Issue 86 (1-2012)
Background and purpose: Recognition of some predictive biomarkers can improve management of the patient treated by dialysis. This study was designed to recognize and assess relationship between some hematologic and biochemical markers with morbidity in patient treated with peritoneal dialysis.
Materials and methods: Ïn this longitudinal study we enrolled 57 patient with end stage renal disease receiving maintenance peritoneal dialysis in Ïmam Khomeini hospital from 2002 to 2007. We measured some hematologic and biochemical serum markers regularly and at the time of some morbidities. The statistical comparison of results did by chi-square and t-test. methods.
Results: Peritonits was occurred in 41 patients at least 1 to maximum 11 times during the study period. The median of ËSR and ÇRP in this group were significant higher compared with the group of patients without peritonitis (P=0.00) but increasing of ferritin and decreasing of Hb are not significant statistically.Ïn the group of patients with history of peritonitis, ËSR, ÇRP and ferritin were increased and Hb was decreased during th peritonitis period (P=0.00). Ôther parameter including WBÇ, PMN, SGÔT, SGPT are increased and hematocrite and albumin are decreased in patients with peritonitis but were not significant statistically.
Çonclusion: These finding indicate ËSR, ÇRP and ferritin increase and Âlbumin and cholestrole and Hb decrease during morbidity in peritoneal dialysis patients. These results suggests some biomarkers can play role as predictive valve for morbidity in peritoneal dialysis patients.