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Showing 9 results for Bladder

M Yonesi Rostami , R Abdi , H Ahmadnya ,
Volume 9, Issue 25 (1-2000)

Segments of intestine, which are used for extension of bladder have various side effects, one of them is stone formation. This is a case in which a large stone over 583 grams is being reported which has not been observed in Ïran before. This article reviews relevant articles and a case of 583 grams of kidney stone following ileocystoplasty.
Zh Torabi Zadeh, A Zare,
Volume 12, Issue 35 (6-2002)

Âdenocarcinoma of the urachus is a rare genitourinary tumor, with a poor prognosis, originated from allantois residue outside the urinary bladder. The treatment of choice is, radical cystectomy and en-block surgical resection of urachus. Ïn this report we present a 32 years old man, admitted with the chief complaint of gross hematuria and abdominal pain.
M Younesi Rostami, H Ahmadnya,
Volume 13, Issue 39 (6-2003)

There are frequent reports on the presence of foreign body in bladder. Âlmost any thing available in human environment, has been observed in bladder as a foreign body. The case is a 28 years old married man complaining of urinary irritation. History was taken from him and radiography was done, as a result, presence of foreign body in his bladder was confirmed. This is a first report on a rare case given by us.
S Peyvandi, N Moslimizadeh,
Volume 16, Issue 55 (12-2006)

Injuries to the genitourinary organs are complications of vaginal delivery. We report a patient with no history of surgery presented 4 days postpartum with distended tender abdomen and peritoneal sign and renal failure. Abdominal X-Ray showed a large amount of ascites. In laparotomy 3.5 liter of urine was in cavity and laceration of 3 cm in the dome of bladder was seen. Repair was done. By reviewing the record, this is the fourth case of bladder rupture after normal vaginal delivery without previous history of cesarean section. In the postpartum patient presenting with ascites and azotemia, intraperitoneal bladder rupture should be suspected.
Behkam Rezaee Mehr, Ensiyeh Taghizadeh, Mehdi Younesi Rostami, Mohammad Khademloo,
Volume 21, Issue 1 (2-2012)

Background and purpose: Bladder cancer includes four percent of all cancers and its incidence is increasing. The most effective preventive way of occupational urinary tract cancer is avoidance of exposure to known carcinogen agents. This study aimed at exploring the incidence of bladder cancer in car painters working for more than 10 years. Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study urinalysis (UA) was performed for all participants. Cases with hematuria were examined using ultrasound, intra venous pyelography (IVP) and cystoscopy. Results: A total of 202 cases were studied whose mean age was 37.9±8.89. Microscopic hematuria was found in 10 (5%) cases and three cases were observed with mass in ultrasound. The incidence rate of bladder cancer in the studied population was 1.5% and among those with hematuria it was 30%. Conclusion: According to high proportion of hematuria in car painters and high incidence of bladder cancer in patients with hematuria screening through urinalysis is necessary in car painters with high experience.
Anahita Nosrati, Seyed-Omid Emadian, Zhila Torabizadeh, Farshad Naghshvar, Mehrdad Mehrabian-Fard,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (2-2013)

Bladder cancer most commonly exists as an epithelial tumor in which around 90% of cases are transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) with a papillary appearance. The world health organization (WHO) classification defines new histological and molecular variants of urothelial carcinoma in 2004. One of them is plasmacytoid urothelial carcinoma (PUC). Less than 100 cases have been reported in the literature (with a reported incidence of up to 3%).There is limited data available on the clinicohistological features or prognosis of PUC. We reported a 58-year-old man with a complaint of right flank pain that referred to testis accompanied by gross hematuria and history of heavy smoking. Imaging showed polypoid mucosal thickening in posterolateral wall of bladder base. Patient was treated with TURBT and BCG. Finally, pathological study confirmed clinicodiagnosis of TCC (plasmacytoid type). PUC is a poor prognostic variant of TCC and early diagnosis is important. Review of other literatures showed early diagnosis of plasmacytoid urothelial carcinoma (PUC) cannot be made due to the absence of hematuria until the late stage of the disease. Cystoscopy and biopsy for earlier diagnosis of PUC because of delayed occurrence of hematuria are required. Patient follow-up after treatment for this variant of urothelial carcinoma is highly recommended. Further studies are needed for evaluation of relationship between smoking and PUC.
Seyed Mostafa Ghavami, Ramin Abedinzadeh, Nahideh Gharehaghaji,
Volume 25, Issue 129 (10-2015)

Abstract Fetal cholelithiasis is rare during pregnancy. Ultrasound examination in third trimester is the best diagnostic modality for detection of this condition. We report a case of 30- year old pregnant woman, at 36 weeks gestation, attending medical imaging center for routine obstetric ultrasound examination. Diagnosis of gallstones was made based on presence of multiple echogenic foci in the fetal gallbladder lumen. The expectant mother had a normal pregnancy. She received one dexamethasone injection and one Gelofen soft gelatin capsule. The parents did not have consanguineous marriage. Also, they did not have any specific disease such as anemia or other diseases.
Bahram Samadzadeh, Rahman Najafloee, Hamidreza Omrani, Mansour Rezaei,
Volume 25, Issue 131 (12-2015)

Background and purpose: Overactive bladder symptoms are common in patients after prostatectomy. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of diltiazem plus tolterodine on overactive bladder symptoms.

Materials and methods: In a double blind randomized clinical trial conducted in 2013-2014, 80 men aged &ge65 years old with unresolved over active bladder symptoms after prostatectomy (in Kermanshah Imam Reza Hospital) who met our inclusion criteria were studied. They were randomly divided into two groups (n=40 per group) to receive either 60 mg bid diltiazem plus 2mg bid tolterodine/twice daily or 2mg bid tolterodine plus placebo/twice daily. The treatments continued for 4 weeks.

Results: The decrease in total score of International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) was not significantly different between the two groups (P> 0.05). Voiding frequency significantly improved in diltazem plus tolterodine group (P< 0.05). Mouth dryness was not significantly different between the two groups.

Conclusion: Diltiazem plus tolterodine treatment is associated with a significant improvement in reducing the symptoms of overactive bladder and could be used as a reasonable treatment option in older patients.

Leila Alikhah, Narjes Heshmatifar, Moslem Mansouri, Ali Boskabadi, Arash Khamene Bagheri,
Volume 26, Issue 135 (4-2016)

Complete duplication of the bladder and urethra is a very rare congenital anomaly which is diagnosed either shortly after birth or during early childhood. These rare malformations are usually seen by other concomitant anomalies, especially in the genital area, large intestine and skeletal system. Complete duplication often occurs in the coronal and sagittal planes and may emerge as complete or incomplete. We present a 6-year-old female patient who was admitted to Vasei Hospital in sabzevar, Iran (in 2015) with a urinary tract infectionin. Because of double urethra in the genital area, more diagnostic tests were conducted due to suspicion of congenital abnormalities of the urinary system. Sonography showed cystic mass on the left adjacent to the bladder. Computer scan with IV contrast showed duplication of the bladder connected to left ureter and the right ureter. To the best of our knowledge, so far, no female case is being reported with complete duplication of the bladder and urethra in Iran. The case of this patient is remarkable and unique both in terms of gender and complete bladder duplication.

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