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Showing 1 results for Gray Theory

Mansour Alimahdi, Masoumeh Rahimkhanli, Samad Fahimi, Mina Mojtabai, Ameneh Sadat Kazemi, Zabih Rameshkhah,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (2-2013)

Background and purpose: In recent years, interest to behavioral-neural theory system associated with motivation and emotion Personality and Mental Pathology over the past has been taken into consideration. In this regard, the present study was aimed at doing the relationship between behavioral-neural system with clinical psychological symptoms in the students of Baharestan and Robatkarim. Material and Methods: In this regard, 340 high school students (170 boys-170 girls) in Baharestan and Robatkarim were selected by cluster sampling method and then tested by symptom Check List -90-r(SCL-90-R) and Inventory behavior inhibition behavioral activation system. The data were analyzed using by software SPSS-17 and Pearson Correlation coefficient and the step by step regression Results: The results show that there is a significant relationship between Behavioral activation system (BAS) and anxiety (P<0.05) and psychosis (P<0.05). The result about Behavioral inhibition system (BIS) shows that there was a significant relationship between this system with all the 9 syndromes. Also, result regression shows that 0/5/8 of experience of symptoms were explained by Behavioral inhibition system (BIS). Conclusion: It seems the result of the present Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory and Behavioral inhibition system (BIS) is one of important components in explaining clinical psychological symptoms in individuals especially the adolescents.

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