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Showing 1 results for Neonatal Çonjunctivitis

S Behzadnia, P Moradi, B Shabankhani,
Volume 10, Issue 27 (6-2000)

Background and Purpose: Neonatal conjunctivitis which mostly occurs after birth, has a high prevalence rate according to the world statistics (0.4-18.9%). But its statistical value in our country is not known. Standard prevention methods are costly and not accessible. This disease can lead to corneal ulceration, blindness and infection. Ïn this study, Povidone Ïodine 2.5% was used for treatment of conjunctivitis regardless of its ethiology to determine, whether this drug which effectiveness and safety has already been proved in previous studies, could prevent or reduce neonatal conjunctivitis or notω
Materials and Methods: 1130 neonates born in nursury of Razi hospital in Ghaemshahr were studied during 1997-98. The study was double blind in which Betadine drops 2.5% was used in one eye of the neonate immediately after birth and the other eye of the same neonate was treated as control. Then during two visits in two consecutive weeks, the positiveness of conjunctivitis was noted by visiting preformer.
Results: The preventive effect of the drug was desirable during the first week of treatment because the eye which was not received the drug developed conjunctivitis 1037 times more than the eye which received the drug. But during the second week the difference was not significant in two eyes. Ôther important findings include, higher conjunctivitis rate in neonates born by normal delivery as compare to cesarean section (P<0.001). Çonjunctivitis was more prevalent in boys as compare to girls during the first and second week (P<0.001). There was no significant difference between premature and full term and also belween intact membrane and premature rupture of membrane.
Çonclusion: Âs regard to the low cost of the drug and its availability and also the positive effects of this drug during its use in first and second week of birth, its extensive use is recommended for prevention of neonatal conjunctivitis.

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