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Showing 3 results for Sperm Parameters

A Rahavi, A.a Haidari, M.a Khalili, J Ghasemzadeh, N Tabibnejad,
Volume 18, Issue 63 (3-2008)

Background and Purpose: An important factor involved in infertility is reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS can damage sperm DNA, and involve lipid per-oxidation. ROS elevation is under the influence of leukocyte activation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of ROS as well as leukocyte, in normozoospermic (NO) and ologoasthenoteratozoospermic (OAT) ejaculates.
Materials and Methods: The study population consisted of 75 individuals who were referred to the Research and Clinical Center, regarding infertility in Yazd, for semen analysis. Fifty (50) out of Seventy-Five (75) men were NO, and the remaining was OAT. ROS was measured with laminator, while leukocyte concentration was analyzed with the ENDTZ test
Results: The results showed that ROS levels in OAT was significantly higher compared with NO (1253.49±200.95 vs. 75.64±149.52 P=0.00). Furthermore, men with OAT were divided into 2 groups, with sperm morphology and motility >5% and <5%. In group >5%, ROS level was significantly higher than the group with <5% (3627.55±407.79 vs. 81.29±100.48 P=0.007). In addition, leukocyte concentration in NO was 0.07±0.22x106 while it was 0.12±0.20x106 in OAT samples P=0.35).
Conclusion: The results indicate although ROS is present in normal seminal samples, it is significantly higher in OAT. This shows the vital role of antioxidants, which may improve the sperm quality. Further clinical studies will pinpoint the antioxidant capacity in improving the seminal contents.
Neda Asleiranifam, Shapour Hasanzadeh, Mohammad Reza Sam, Gholam Reza Najafi Tazehkand,
Volume 25, Issue 133 (2-2016)

Background and purpose: Cyclophosphamide (CP) is a chemotherapy drug extensively used as an antineoplastic agent in treatment of various cancers. However, it is known to cause several adverse effects including reproductive toxicity. Achillea millefolium (AM) is a medicinal plant with potential antioxidant properties. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the effects of different doses of AM extract on body weight, sperm parameters, and apoptotic changes in CP treated mice.

Materials and methods: Sixty four male NMRI mice were arranged into 8 groups. Group1 received normal saline, and groups 2, 3 and 4 received AM extract in low, medium and high doses, respectively. Group 5 received CP and groups 6, 7 and 8 had low, medium and high doses of Achillea millefolium extract, respectively plus CP. Treatments were continued for 35 days. Afterwards, the animals’ weight, sperm quality and apoptosis rate were evaluated.

Results: CP decreased body weight and testicular weight, imposed negative effects on sperm parameters and increased sperm apoptosis compared to the control group. The high-dose of AM produced deleterious effects. Medium doses of the extract did not show any significant effect, but low dose of the extract was able to compensate the toxic effects of CP.

Conclusion: In this study, AM had dose-dependent manner. In other words, at low dose it prevented CP toxicity, in medium dose it had no effect, but in high dose it improved CP toxicity.

Emran Habibi, Maloos Naderi, Fereshteh Talebpour Amiri, Fatemeh Emamgholizadeh, Fatemeh Shaki,
Volume 31, Issue 202 (11-2021)

Background and purpose: Melissa officinalis (MO) is a medicinal plant and is a rich source of antioxidant and phenolic compounds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the protective effect of Melissa officinalis against ethanol induced sub-chronic testicular toxicity in male Wistar rats.
Materials and methods: Ethanol extract of MO was prepared and total phenolic and flavonoid contents were determined. The Animals were divided into seven groups: control (treated with normal saline), ethanol (10 mg/kg,ip), ethanol and MO extract (100, 200, and 400 mg/kg), MO extract alone (400 mg/kg), and ethanol+ Vit C (positive control). After 56 days, the rats were sacrificed and testis and epididymis were harvested. Oxidative stress markers including: level of reactive oxygen species (ROS), malondialdehyde (MDA), protein carbonyl (PC), and glutathione (GSH), and also nitric oxide (NO) as
an inflammatory factor were assayed in testis tissue. Moreover, sperm parameters analysis and histopathological evaluation of testis tissue were performed.
Results: Ethanol increased reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation, carbonyl protein, and nitric oxide and decreased glutathione in testicular tissue. Pathological lesions, decrease in motility, count and normal morphology of sperm were also observed in ethanol-treated groups. Melissa officinalis inhibited ethanol-induced oxidative stress in testicular tissue and improved sperm abnormalities and pathological lesions.
Conclusion: Melissa officinalis showed protective effect against ethanol-induced testicular toxicity which may be attributed to its antioxidant activity. So, it can be considered as an effective supplement against oxidative stress induced by chronic ethanol exposure in testis tissue.

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