Volume 33, Issue 227 (12-2023)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2023, 33(227): 86-95 | Back to browse issues page

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Zamaniyan M, Ghasemi tirtashi M, Taheripanah R, Hosseini S H, Jaefari F, Soleimani rad S M, et al . Investigating the Status of Quality of Life, Marital Satisfaction and Psychopathyand Stress During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Women of Reproductive Age. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2023; 33 (227) :86-95
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-19542-en.html
Abstract:   (807 Views)
Background and purpose: The coronavirus epidemic has had a significant impact on people's lives and has created many problems in the economic, scientific, environmental, and personal dimensions of people's lives. Fertility in women was one of the threats addressed during the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of life, marital satisfaction, and anxiety, depression, and stress in women of reproductive age referring to medical centers covered by Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Materials and methods: The current study was descriptive and analytical in a cross-sectional manner. The statistical population included all women referred to medical centers covered by Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences from March 1399 to March 1400, who were questioned in two periods. Data were collected using a questionnaire that included demographic information, pregnancy, and COVID-19 disease. Also, the information related to the quality of life of the participants in the study was evaluated using the SF-12 questionnaire, anxiety, depression, and stress of the participants with the Lovebond scale (DASS), and marital satisfaction with the Enrich questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 24 software.
Results: 1759 women of reproductive age participated in this study. All participants (100%) were married, with an average duration of marriage of 8.5±1.5 years. 14.1% of women were infected with COVID-19 during the study. 7.2% of women had at least one underlying disease, hypothyroidism (4.3%), diabetes (1.3%) and hypertension (0.1%) being the most common cases. There were diseases. The results indicated a decrease in people's physical health and emotional problems due to the changes in their quality of life due to the outbreak of Covid-19. About 99% of women showed mild and moderate symptoms of mental disorders, including depression, anxiety, and stress, during the study. The participants' stress levels decreased over time (9.6±8.83 vs 8.3±69.7), and their marital satisfaction increased (2.91±0.3 vs 2.95±0.31, P=0.0). Also, the findings of the research showed that people's quality of life had a negative and significant relationship with the amount of mental disorders.
Conclusion: The results of the study revealed an increase in marital satisfaction during the Covid-19 period. The study participants' quality of life had a significant difference in the two time periods. Consequently, special attention to Women of reproductive age, increasing their general and sexual awareness, and providing positive psychological programs in crisis conditions are recommended in formulating health policies and programs
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