Abstract: (10075 Views)
Background and purpose: Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a new approach that is used in treatment of complicated mental health disorders. This study aimed at assessing the efficacy of DBT on depression.
Materials and methods: This quasi-experimental study included an experimental group (DBT) and a control group. The study population included all mothers having children with mental disorders who were diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Using convenience sampling 16 mothers were selected. Experimental groups were studied in three stages: before the treatment, during training and follow-up. Data was collected through structured clinical interview for one axis disorder and Beck Depression Inventory. Data was analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA and t-test for paired samples.
Results: The results showed significant differences between the level of depression in experimental and control groups after DBT implementation (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Group DBT sessions could be of great benefit in treatment interventions and help in reducing depression in target groups.
Type of Study:
Brief Report |