Rashidi Ghader F, Kousarian M. Evaluation of cardiac function in patients with thalassemia receiving hycroxy urea at Booali Hospital Sari, Iran, from 1377 to 1382. . J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2006; 16 (51) :37-42
Abstract: (12899 Views)
Background and purpose: Hydroxy urea lowers the severity of anemia in patients with thalassemia by increasing Hb F but may cause negative effects on heart due to high Ô2 affinity of Hb F.
Materials and methods : This descriptive study was performed on patients with thalassemia receiving Hydroxyurea during a five year period in thalassemia ward at Booali Hospital. Ïnclusion criteria were no none or less than 4 times transfusion in a year and using Hydroxyurea since at least one year ago (range 1-5 yr). Demographic & other data were collected through a questionare. The data were then analyzed using descriptive methods by SPSS software. Çorrelation of some variables was evaluated by pearson correlation coefficient.
Results : This study were done on 20 patients including 13 (32%) male & 27 (68%) female aged ranging 20.87 to 3.95 . 48% of them had no cardiac problem but some had cardiac complains including 15% mild chest pain, 35% occasional palpitation & 32% occasional dyspnea. Physical examination showed grade more than 2.6 systolic murmur in 5%, S3 in 2.5% and mild edema in lower extremity in 37%. None of the patients had heart failure. Âccording to Ëchpcardiography all of the patients had normal systolic function but 35% had mild diastolic dysfunction. 72.5% had normal ËÇG finding without arrhythmia but 15% had mild increased PR interval (max=0.2sec) and 12.5% had nonspecific ST-T changes.
Çonclusion: Âs no significant cardiac complications were found and considering the positive effect of Hydroxyurea on Hb level in thalassemia, it could be used in these patients.