Parnow A H, Gharakhanlou R, Eslami R. Effects of Physical Activity on Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Content at Trigeminal Ganglion Nerve in Wistar Rats. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2012; 22 (90) :25-31
Abstract: (16530 Views)
Background and purpose: The Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP) is a potent dilator of cerebral vessels and that now thought to play a central role in the underlying pathophysiology of migraine. The purpose of present study, therefore, was to investigate effects of endurance, resistance, and strength training on CGRP content in Wistar rat’ trigeminal nerve.
Materials and methods: A number of 21 rats randomly assigned into four groups including Control, Endurance, Resistance, and Strength training. Treadmill running endurance protocol including 5 days a week, 60 min/day, 30 m/min speed, animals of the resistance training group were housed in metal cage with a wire-mesh tower the strength training protocol consisted of climbing a 1-meter–long ladder. Forty-eight hours after last session of protocol, animals were anaesthetized and trigeminal nerve ganglion was exited after head separating and skull excision. Then, tissues were quickly frizzed in liquid nitrogen. For data analyses, one way ANOVA was used.
Results: Data analysis showed that there was a significant different between control and strength training groups in trigeminal nerve ganglion CGRP (P= 0.03). But, the content of CGRP in trigeminal nerve ganglion was not significantly different in endurance and resistance groups compared with control group (respectively, P= 0.35 and P= 0.57).
Conclusion: It is considered that intensity of training plays a key role in CGRP increase. It is suggested that moderate to low intensity of physical activity probably lead to less CGRP release in brain vessels and trigeminal nerves.