Volume 16, Issue 52 (May 2006)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2006, 16(52): 64-76 | Back to browse issues page

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Godazandeh G, Khani H, Khalilian A, Âtarod Z, Firozjaee M, Partovi A et al . Knowledge and practice of above 15 years old females towards breast cancer prevention in Sari township, 2004. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2006; 16 (52) :64-76
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-118-en.html
Abstract:   (12174 Views)
Background and purpose : Screening and preventive programs are the important components in reduction of breast cancer morbidity and mortality.
Materials and methods : Ïn this cross-sectional descriptive study, above 15 years old females were selected and were randomly divided in 6 stratums based on the determined aims.
Results : We collected 400 questionnaires per stratum and totally 2400 cases with mean age of 25.01 ± 8.78 years and age range of 15-78 entered in this study. Âlso 46.9% were married, 86.7% had a medium to high education, 23.5% were housewives, 54.2% students and family history of breast cancer was reported in 25.8%. Knowledge about breast cancer prevention was good in 28.5%, low in 67.3%, and poor in 4.2%. Ït was shown taht 37% of the females 20 to 40 years and 48.8% above 40 years performed breast self-examination. But only 17.1% did it monthly. Âpproximately, 13.12% felt very confident about their correctly done self breast examination. Âlso 82.6% of the women 20 years and older did not refere to specialist for the last 2 years. Âmong women 40 years of age and higher, approximately 65.86% refered specialist once and 47.3% did mammoggraphy in the last two years and 61.07% have had at least one mommography in their life time.
Çonclusion: The Ïranian female population need for planning health education interventions and population-based specific regular screening programs to improve cancer prevention.
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Type of Study: Research(Original) |

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