Volume 15, Issue 48 (Oct 2005)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2005, 15(48): 99-104 | Back to browse issues page

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Naghshvar F, Tirgar fakheri H, Torabizadeh Z, Emadian O, Maleki E, Zare A. Antibiotic resistance of Helycobacter pylori isolated from patients admitted to Imam Hospital, Sari, IRAN, 2002-2003. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2005; 15 (48) :99-104
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-14-en.html
Abstract:   (15677 Views)
Background and purpose : -Helicobacter pylori is a gram negative spiral bacilus which infects gastric mucosa and causes a wide range of gastro intestinal diseases.Unfortunately the prevalence of the infection by this organism in developing countries is high and despite numerous existing drug regimens, treatment fails to eradicate the organism in many occasions. To reach an effective and curative regimen, invitro determination of suscepibility and resistance of the organism, to various antimicrobials, is pradent. The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in Helicobacter pylori,s isolated from cultures. Biopsies from 67 patients admitted to the Sari Imam Hospital were used to cultur Helicobacter pylori and determine their susceptibility and resistance to metronidazole, claritromycin and amoxycillin.
Materials and methods : Disc diffusion tecniqu was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration , (MIC) and resistance pattern of the isolated Helicobacter pylori.In this method we used the cutoff point of MIC 90 ie , a concentration at which 90% or more of culture plates show inhibition zone around the antimicrobial test disc.
Results : MIC 90 for amoxycillin and claritramycin in our study was 0.25 g/ml and all isolates were susceptible to amoxycillin. Only one isolate was resistant to claritramycin. MIC 90 for metronidzole was 16 and 4 resistant cases were isolated.
Conclusion : This stndy showed low level of resistance to metronidazole and claritramycin which were comparable to the reported results from other studies. No resistance was observed to amoxycillin which was also the same as other reported results. According to the pattern of antimicrobial resistance, we can recommend the studied drugs, against Helicobacter pylori.
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Type of Study: Research(Original) |

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