Volume 31, Issue 200 (9-2021)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2021, 31(200): 49-60 | Back to browse issues page

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Nazari M, Minasian V, Hovsepian S. Relationship between ANGPTL3 and VO2max, Body Composition and Markers of Metabolic Syndrome and Effect of Interval Training on these Variables in Overweight and Obese Women. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2021; 31 (200) :49-60
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-16481-en.html
Abstract:   (1594 Views)
Background and purpose: ANGPTL3, a protein secreted by the liver, is involved in regulating fat and glucose metabolism. In this study, we investigated the relationship between serum ANGPTL3 levels and VO2max, body composition, and markers of metabolic syndrome. Also, we studied the effect of interval training on this factors in women who have overweight or obesity.
Materials and methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 40 sedentary females were assigned into three groups: (1) Control / without exercise (n=13, average age: 28.5 years, BMI=30. 2 kg/m2), and experimental groups; (2) Moderate intensity interval training (n=13, average age: 30.1 years, BMI= 31.2 kg/m2), and (3) High intensity interval training (average age: 27.8 years, BMI= 30.9 kg/m2). The experimental groups participated in selected interval trainings for eight weeks. Blood samples were taken 48 hours prior to the first training session and 48 hours following the last training session and study variables were measured in all participants.
Results: The findings revealed significant positive correlations between ANGPTL3 and BMI
(P= 0.009), ANGPTL3 and Insulin (P= 0.027), ANGPTL3 and total cholesterol levels (P= 0.004). After eight weeks of interval training, we observed significant decrease in levels of ANGPTL3 (P= 0.021), triglyceride (P= 0.012), total cholesterol (P= 0.010), TG/HDL (P= 0.002), insulin (P= 0.020), insulin resistance index (P= 0.014), body fat percentage (P= 0.036), and BMI (P= 0.001) in experimental groups.  VO2max (P= 0.041) and HDL levels (P= 0.039) also showed significant increase in these groups.
Conclusion: It seems that high-intensity interval exercises reduce ANGPTL3 levels and could be useful in preventing metabolic syndrome in women who have overweight or obesity.
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Type of Study: Research(Original) | Subject: Sport Physiology

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