Abstract: (1528 Views)
Background and purpose: Inhaling substances are hydrocarbons that are converted to gas at room temperature and enter the lungs through the nose and mouth and then our brain. Neurological and psychiatric effects are reported following inhalation, however, there are few studies about acute effect of inhalant on brain electroencephalogram (EEG).
Materials and methods: This observational study was performed in Quantitative Electroencephalography unit in Sari Zare Hospital, 2020. Twenty people who used nail polish containing aceton for cosmetic usages participated in this study. Brain signals were recorded before, during, at first and second three minutes after termination of using nail polish containing acetone, were recorded by mitsar 201 amplifier in eyes-open condition. The relative power of the band frequency waves in the occipital, frontal, parietal and midline lobes were calculated using Neurogide software. Data analysis was performed in STATA-15.
Results: During acetone nail polish use and at first and second 3 minutes after that relative power in delta and beta band waves significantly increased in C3, C4, Cz, F3, F4, Fz, O1, O2, P3, P4, and Pz (P<0.01) while relative power of alpha frequency band significantly decreased (P<0.01). Theta frequency band showed no changes.
Conclusion: In this study, acute exposure to acetone increased relative power of delta and beta waves and reduced relative power of alpha waves, in frontal, parietal, occipital, and midline regions in both hemispheres.