Volume 33, Issue 221 (5-2023)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2023, 33(221): 139-145 | Back to browse issues page

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Soltanmohamadi borujeni E, Babaahmadi F, Aghaali M, Saleh A, Mehdipour A. Comparing the Effect of Zirconia Surface Conditioning Using Nd:YAG Laser and Conventional Method on Shear Bond Strength of Ceramic Brackets to Zirconia Surface: An In vitro Study. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2023; 33 (221) :139-145
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-18935-en.html
Abstract:   (1168 Views)
 Background and purpose: Lasers are of great importance in dentistry and have shown positive results in surface conditioning of ceramic brackets. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of two surface conditioning method, Nd:YAG laser and sandblasting on shear bind strength (SBS)  and (adhesive remnant index (ARI).
Materials and methods: This experimental study was conducted in six groups of zirconia blocks to get prepared by laser (LG1-LG2-LG3) or sandblast (SG4-SG5-SG6). Two debonding methods, including conventional (LG3-SG3) and Nd:YAG laser (LG2-SG2) methods were used for zirconia blocks. SBS and ARI indices were compared between the two methods using ANOVA and post-hoc test.
Results: The mean SBS did not show significant difference between LG1 and SG4 groups (8.2±2.04 and 7.1±1.5, respectively, P=0.228). ARI did not show significant difference between LG2 (3.1±0.8) and SG5 (3.5±0.7) groups (P=0.129) and between LG3 and SG6 (2.3±0.7 and 2.7±0.5, respectively, P=0.219). ARI was found to be significantly different between LG2 and LG3 (30.1±0.8 and 2.3±0.7, respectively, P =0.011) and between SG5 (3.5±0.7) and SG6 (2.7± 0.5) (P=0.024).
Conclusion: Nd:YAG laser can be considered a suitable alternative for zirconia surface conditioning and debonding ceramic brackets from zirconia crowns.

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Type of Study: Brief Report | Subject: Dentistry

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