Behzadnia S, Vahidshahi K. Frequency of Gasteroesophageal Reflux in Infants < 2y with Refractory Asthma, Razi hospital Ghaemshahr, 2003-2005. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2007; 17 (59) :103-109
Abstract: (19446 Views)
Background and purpose: Wheezing is a common respiratory problem which is related to hypersensitivity of airways, GERD (Gasteroesophageal Reflux Disease) is one of the underlying factors of respiratory diseases and wheezing in infants (different rates). For the patients with refractory wheezing, detection and treatment of underlying disorders is very important. So, in this study, frequency of Gasteroesophageal reflux was detected in infants<2y with refractory wheezing.
Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study on the patients referred to pediatric clinic during 2003-2005. Infants with refractory wheezing under 2 (Based on HX, PE) were introduced gradually, and patients with the evidence of foreign body aspiration, congenital heart disease, thracheoesophageal fistula and neurological impairement were excluded. Fleuroscopic barium study for detecting GERD was performed for the patients. Data were analyzed using SPSS11 software.
Results: During 2 years, 50 patients were studied. Age of the patients was 10.26 ± 5.48 m and 54% of them were male. The most common complaints were wheezing and retraction. Also, 78% of the patients were under dronchodilator treatment, among them 30.8 % responded to the drug. In fleuroscopic study using barium, 60% of the patients demonstrated GERD. Numbers of respiratory attack and admissions significantly were related to GERD.
Conclusion: GERD is one the underlying factors of recurrent respiratory symptoms and refractory wheezing in infant below 2 years of age. So, evaluations for the detection of GERD should be performed in this patients.