Volume 11, Issue 30 (Mar 2001)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2001, 11(30): 54-59 | Back to browse issues page

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Farahani B, Hadiyan K, Mohseni A. Effect of combined Antioxidants on Acute Myocardial infarction size . J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2001; 11 (30) :54-59
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-28-en.html
Abstract:   (15718 Views)
Background and purpose : The role of oxygen-derived free radicals in destruction of myocardial cells during acute ischemia or reperfusion has been proved. This phenomenon made the workers to study and find the inhibitory therapeutic methods in order to reduce the myocardial cell destruction during acute myocardial infarction. This study evaluates the role of combined antioxidants on acute myocardial infarction sige in patients referring to vali asr hospital of Ârak.
Materials and Methods : This study was done in randomized sequential trial method, patients were divided in two case and control groups and were matched for the age, sex, receiving of thrombolytic therapy, major risk factors, location and the kind of infarction. Routine treatment was given to both the groups. Çase group was given 250 mg of allopurinol daily for one week starting immediately after being admitted in hospital. The evaluation criteria for infarct size reduction in this study were the mean ÇPK levels during the fist three days of admission and Qwave evaluation on Ë.K.G. Descriptive statistical analysis was applied for the evaluation of the ratios and t-student test was used for means comparison.
Results : 180 patients were divided in two group of equal number and were compared. The mean age in case and control groups was 61± 12 and 61 ± 11 years respectively the sex distribution was 64% males, 31% females in case group and 74% males, 26% females in control group. The locality of infarction was in anterior , inferior, lateral regions of right ventricle and extensive infarction were 41% , 41.5%, 5%, 2% and 10% respectively. Kind of infarction in case group was 93% Q-wave and 75 non-Q-wave, and these ratios were 95% and 5% in control group. Main risk factors in the case group was 68-4%, with at least one risk factor, and 31.5% with 2 or more risk factors. This ratio was 72% and 34.2% in the control group. The mean ÇPK in three days was 1489 in the case group and 1259 in control group and this difference was significant statistically (P<0.01). The mean Q wave surface area in control group was 11.35 mm2 and in control group was 14.75 mm2. This difference was also significant statistically (P<0.01).
Çonclusion : This study showed that the combined antioxidants therapy would cause reduction of affected area size, though, routine therapeutic application of antioxidants needs more detailed studies.
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Type of Study: Research(Original) |

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