Talebpour amiri F, taringo F. Study of Histologic and Morphologic changes in Matured RAT testicular tissue in acute period of spinal cord transsection . J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2001; 11 (30) :63-74
Abstract: (15576 Views)
Background and purpose : Spinal cord injury at caudi equine region, would cause about 10-20% of vertebral column damages, which is followed by paraplegia, and most of the patients of such cases are in the age group of 16 to 30 years.
Materials and Methods : Ïn this study histological and morphological changes in Sprague-Daweley rat testies in the first, second and third week of spinal cord transsection was evaluated. Ïn the test group spinal cord was transsected at ta level. Ând in the control group, skin was cut but laminectomy and spinal cord transsection was not performed. Ïn a proposed time testies were taken out and after determining the weight and volume, fixation by Buin’s solution wasdone, to be abserved by light microscope. Âfter processing the samples, the histologic changes wereb determined by H&Ë, PÂS, masson’s trichorom and toloiudine blue staining techniques.
Results : The collected data indicales the following changes in the testies of the rats in the rats in the test group-Decline in the number of germ cells in epithelium of spermatogenic dact, decline in the percetage volume of spermotogenic dact, declibe in the volumic percentage of interstitial space, lack of changes in the number of sertoli cells, lack of changes in leydig cells and interestial tissue components, increase in the severity of above changesas time passes.
Çonclusion : Generally, it can be concluded that spinal cord transsection would cause changes in the normal activity of the testicular tissue and natural role of internal and external factors, and cases disorders in the process of spermatogenesis.