Abstract: (11857 Views)
Background and Purpose : Though lateral veiw radiography is considered as a standard method for measuring lumbar lordosis, but due to different reasons, this method is expensive particularly in research. Thereby, the aim of this study is to find out a reliable, easy, less expensive and non hazardous method for measuring lumbar lordosis.
Materials and methods : This study was done in two steps, to determine repeatitive measurement validity of intertester and intratester by flexible ruler to assess it’s validity in measuring lumbar lordosis. Ïn order to assess repeatitive measurement in intratester by flexible ruler for lumbar lordosis, 25 male and 50 female students each one were measured twice by the first and second testers repectively.
For assessment of repeatitive measurement of intratester, 16 boy students were selected in order to determine the validity of flexible ruler used in lumbar lordosis. The measurement was done by flexible ruler and x-ray in 6 boy and girl students.
Results : Çalculation with the help of correlation coefficient for repeatitive measurement on intertester by flexible ruler indicated 0.88% and 0.87% for the first and second testers respectively, and the figure for repeatitive measurement on intratester was 0.78. The correlation coefficient for measurement of lumbar lordosis by flexible ruler and X-ray was 0.92% .
Çonclusion : Since flexible ruber is a very reliable tool in measuring lumbar lordosis, hence can be used as a safe, valid, easy, cheap and non hazardous instrument for meausring lumbar lordosis.