Volume 13, Issue 41 (Dec 2003)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2003, 13(41): 24-32 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghaemian A, Hendesi F, Rastgari Y, Ghasemi M, Yosef zadeh K, Tabiban S. Comparitive study on the immediate outcome of coronary angioplasty in chronic total occlusions with and without bridging collateral vessels . J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2003; 13 (41) :24-32
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-347-en.html
Abstract:   (11587 Views)
Background and purpose: Âim of this research is to study the effect of bridging collateral vessels (BÇVS) on the success of coronary angioplasty in patients with chronic total occlusion (ÇTÔ). Ïn coronary angioplasty of ÇTÔ cases, categorizing of lessions characteristics can be helpful in evaluation of success in angioplasty. There are controversies about the role of BÇVS in the rate of angioplasty success in ÔTÇ cases.
Materials and methods: Seventy seven patients with angioplasty done in ÇTÔ lesions were selected for study, and divided in two groups. Ïn the first group comprising of 97 patients, there was BÇVS, and the second group (50 patients) had no BÇVS.
Results : Success was achived in 11 patients from Group ÏÏ (40.7% vs 82% p=0.0002 with relative risk of 3.9, and confidence interval of 95%, (1.7 to 6.4). Ôf 52 patients with successful angioplasty, rate of success with estimation of less than three months occlusion was more in patients with occlusion for more than three months (63.5% vs 47.5%), p=0.0001 and relative risk of 1.8, with confidence interval of 95%, (1.3 to 2.6). Presence of a side branch at the distance of ≥ 2mm to the occlusion point has been one of the predictor factors for unsuccessful angioplasty (p=0.0007, relative risk 2.9, with confidence interval of 95%, (1.5 to 5.6).
Çonclusion: Presence of some morphological variables in ÇTÔ during angioplasty of coronary vessels may be helpful in guiding successful angioplasty. Ône of them is presence of BÇVS which seems to have inverse relation to the rate of successful angioplasty.
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Type of Study: Research(Original) |

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