Abstract: (13835 Views)
Background and purpose:The risk of developing breast cancer during the liftime of females is 12.5% (about 1 in 8). Ïn addition hormone replacement therapy is part of the preventive measure in women at their menopausal period. Studies have revealed that screening mammography changes with age, mammographyic density and family history of breast cancer. This study was designed to evaluate the breast parenchimal changes,sensitivity and mamographic charactenstics in diagnosis of breast cancer.
Materials and methods: Total of 516 persons referred to the clinics for breast complaint during 1991-1998 were selected. Ôn the basis of using hormone replecement therapy, women were divided into two groups of HRT positive and HRT negative and 4 subgroups of true negative, fals positive, true positive and fals negative. This was a double blind study and sensitivity and specificity of the study were estimated using statistical formulas. Âll of the cases had a base-line mammography as well as a follow up screening mammography to compare the changes in density.
Results: Sensitivity and specificity of screening mammography for HRT were lower (67% Vs 79%, P<0.008) and (32% VS 84%, P<0.002) respectivity. Density of breast mammography in HRT positive women compared to HRT negative ones.
Çonclusion: Hormone replacement therapy in menopausal women increases the breast density and at the same time decreases the sensitivity and specificity of screening mammography. This reduction of sensitivity of mamography in menopausal women under HRT, reduces the potential of screening mamography in reducing the death rate caused by breast cancer.