Volume 24, Issue 114 (7-2014)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2014, 24(114): 151-157 | Back to browse issues page

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Bagheri A, eskandari N, Abbaszadeh F. Comparing the self-medication and supplement therapy in pregnant women in kashan rural and urban areas. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2014; 24 (114) :151-157
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-3939-en.html
Abstract:   (9469 Views)
Background and purpose: Self-medication is considered as an acute health problem especially when it is in pregnant women. Considering the importance of the drug side effects during pregnancy, we studied the situation of self-medication and supplement therapy in pregnant women. Material and Methods: the present study is cross sectional which performed over 303 pregnant women referring to kashan facilities in 1391. The instrument for gathering data researcher made questionnaire that the validity and reliability of it was confirmed through content method and test re test (r= 0.83). Demographic data, pregnancy information, supplement therapy, self- medication and some related factors evaluated. Spss software was used for analyzing the data. Results: from 303 women in this study the place of residence in 99 was rural and 204 were urban areas. 99% of them used ferrous sulfate, 82.2% Calcium and 92.7% multi vitamin during pregnancy. The most of women mentioned that they have usually extra drugs in their home (64.7%), they use this drugs as self-medication if it be necessary (60.1%) and they used to buy their needs from drugstores without physician description (64%). There was significant difference in self-medication in them (p=0.04) and it was higher in rural women. The frequency of preparing drugs without physician description was higher in women with 3 gravid and more (p=0.03). The self- medication increased with the high age especially after 30 (p=0.03). Conclusion: : considering the high incidence of self-medication during pregnancy in this study especially in rural areas and with higher age and parity, purpose to be more educated the presenting drug staff, Midwives and pregnant women.
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