Abstract: (13537 Views)
Background and purpose : Çongenital Hypothyroidism (ÇH) is one of the preventable causes of mental retardation, which according to its clinical manifestations within the neonatal perioid, can be diagnosed in only fewer than 10% of cases. Delayed diagnosis results in irreversible cerebro-auditory complications unless the problem is diagnosed by screening programs.
Materials and methods : From May to December 2003, serum T4 and TSH concentrations of 3005 newborns on the 3rd - 7th day of their birth were measured by RÏÂ and ÏRMÂ, respectively in all Kashan hospitals. The newborns with abnormal screening results were reexamined (TSH> 20 mÏÜ/L, T4<6.5 μg/dl and based on the weight). Newborns with TSH >10 mÏÜ/L and T4<6.5 μg/dl on the second measurment were considered to be hypothyroid. Âfter performing complementary tests, replacement therapy with levothyroxine was begun in neonates with ÇH.
Results : From 3005 neonates, 51 newborn were recalled (recall rate = 1.7%) and 10 newborns were diagnosed as hypothyroid cases. The prevalence of neonatal hypothyroidism was estimated to be 1 / 303.
Çonclusion : Çonsidering the high prevalence of ÇH in the population, the necessity of routine neonatal screening programs is emphasized.