Abstract: (37548 Views)
Background and purpose : Since the first report of the pyronier’s disease in 1374, different thrapeutic and surgical methods have been used for treatment. However, none resulted in complete satisfactory outcome. The aim of this study was to treat the disease using exteral shook wave thrapy (ËSWT).
Materials and methods: Tweixe patients were included in the study after singning the writhen consent form. The mean age of the patients was 52 ± 4 years. The degree of deviation following erection induced by papaverin was meaxired in all patients before the treatment.
The plaque size was measured and nearded. The quality of erection and presence of pain during erection and intercourse were also recorded. Ëach patient underwent three rounds of 2500 wave ËSWT in a two week interval regime. Sox months later the same parameters were assessed again.
Results : Ïn ten patients, the pain was completely vanished after the treatment (P<0.05). the mean size of the plaque before and after the treatment was 3.03 ± 1.2 and 0.99 ± 0.9 cm respectively with a singnificant difference (P=0.001).
The mean of deviation of penis was 34 ± 5 and 23 ± 6 with a significant different (P=0.001) degreen before and after treatment. The quality of erection inproved satisfactority in 77% of the patients. No adverse effect, were observed after a mean follow up period of 8 montho (6-13 months).
Çonclusion : ËSWT was well tolerated in pyronier’s disease treatment with no serious side effects and that the method significantly reduced the pain and deviation of the penis and improved the quality of sexual activity of the patients.