Volume 11, Issue 31 (Jun 2001)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2001, 11(31): 63-75 | Back to browse issues page

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Khaksari M, Khosh baten A. Inhibition of Carragrenin or Burn Induced Edema in Rat by Trifluoprazine and Thiodiphenyamid Chloride . J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2001; 11 (31) :63-75
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-43-en.html
Abstract:   (17693 Views)
Background and Purpose: Çalmodulin is a calcium binding protein and Mediates many calcium-dependent processes in the cells. Çamodulin inhibitors have antipsychotic action, but, the extrabrain actions of these drugs is little known. Therefore, we evaluated the anti-inflammatory effects of three phenothiazine calmodulin inhibitors on carragrenin and burn induced inflammatory edema in the rat. These effects were compared to anti-inflammatory activities of ibuprofen.
Materials and Methods: This Ïnteracting-experimental study was done on male adult rats. Two small burns were produced on the back of rats, and paw edema was induced by intraplantar injection of 0.1 ml of 0.5% carragrenin solution. Varing doses (8, 32mg/kg of trifluoprazine (TFP), thiodiphenyamide chloride (TDPÂÇ), and 2-chloro-phenothizine and ibuprofen (12 mg/kg) were given i.p after induction of burn or carragrenin injection. Ïnflammatory edema was evaluated by calculation of water, extravasation of Ëvans Blue (Ë.B) in inflammatory tissue and by calculation of volumevariations of paw.
Results: The results showed, that TFP (32 mg/kg) effectively reduced (29%) Ë.B. extravasation and water content in the burned rat skin, compared to control rat (burned not treated), whereas the other drugs did not give response. No significances were found between inhibitory effects of TFP and ibuprofen on Ë.B. extravasation in burned skis, but the inhibitory effects of TFP on water content appeared to be more potent (22.2%) than ibuprofen. TFP and TDPÂÇ showed significantly 38.2% and 55.3% inhibitory action on increased volume of paw respectively. TFP also decreases (45.8%) Ë.B. extravasation in inflammatory paw. No significant differences were found between inhibitory effects pf TFP and ibuprofen on Ë.B. extravasation of paw, whereas, the inhibitory effects of TFP on paw volume was less than ibuprofen.
Çonclusion: These data suggest that, calmodulin inhibitor (TFP) can inhibit inflammatory edema, after induction of burn and carragrenin injection, and these anti inflammatory properties are comparable to ibuprofen.
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Type of Study: Research(Original) |

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