Abstract: (18911 Views)
Background and Purpose: The obstruction of the upper respiratotri for tract (URT) is one of the most important reasons patients recurrent referral to the ENT clinic. Adentonsilar hypertrophy is almost common reason of the upper respiratory tract obstruction, and it will cause some changes in lung volumes and also in blood gases. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of tonsillectomy on respiratory symptoms and arterial blood oxygen saturation.
Materials and Methods: In a clinical trials study, in a pre and post operative manner, 62, 2-14 years old children were imposed to adentonsilectomy in an easy sampling way. The respiratory symttoms such as: snoring, dyspnea, feeling airway obstruction, mouth breathing and oxygen saturated hemogolobin condition (Spo2), prior to surgery and one month after operation, has been studied and recorded. The results were Compared with paired t-test.
Results: In a preoperative manner, 80% of patients had mouth breathing symptom and mouth dryness which were reduad? to 10% after surgery.
Spo2 measurement had no significont difference before and after surgery, and, it was in a normal range.
Conclusion: The correction of respiratory obstruction due to adenotansil ar hypertrophy does not make any changes in arterial blood oxygen. The surgery which is used for correction of these obstruction, whill just improve the clinical respiratory symtoms such as snoring and mouth breathing.