Volume 19, Issue 73 (Sep 2009)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2009, 19(73): 68-74 | Back to browse issues page

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Jafari H, Shafipour V, Mokhtarpour R, Rhanama N, Esmaeili R, Nasiri4 E. Study of some risk factors and accelerating factors of heart attack and the delay reasons in referring to theMazandaran Cardiac Center in 2009. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2009; 19 (73) :68-74
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-590-en.html
Abstract:   (15111 Views)
Background and purpose:Coronary artery disease (CAD) particularly of the acute myocardial infraction (MI) is one of the main causes of mortality in the developing countries. Considering the complication of the disease, the aim of this study was to investigate risk and accelerating factors of heart attack and the reason of the patients' delay in referring to Mazandaran Cardiac Center in 2009.
Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study was preformed on 200 acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients. The criteria of diagnosis for AMI in this study was ST elevation of ECG, increase of CKMB above 25 in three phases and increase of Troponin-1 above 1nd/ml and also LDH increase: The demographic information, history of having specific and related disease and the heart attack accelerating factors and the reason of delay in referring to cardiac center was recorded in questionnaire. The collected data were coded, then analyzed by X2 test and ANOVA test using u. SPSS soft wave.
Results:Of 200 patients under study, 57% were male. With mean age and BMI of 62.02 years and of 26.66 respectively. The major risk factor in incidence of heart attack in this study first was high blood pressure (24.7 %) and the second one was diabetes mellitus 15.5 %. The accelerating factors of heart attack were heavy physical activity (25.3 %), sudden wake ups (25.2 %), and mental work along with tension (12.6 %) respectively.
Conclusion:Considering the risk factors and heart attack accelerating factors, providing proper education to the public, it is possible it reduce the number of heart attack cases and implement proper strategy to reduce the delay in referring of such patients to a cardiac center.
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Type of Study: Research(Original) |

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