Volume 20, Issue 76 (May 2010)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2010, 20(76): 62-68 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghodsi Z, Âmini L. Comparing the side effects of TCu380A and CuSafe (300, +300) IUDs in city of Hamedan, Iran . J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2010; 20 (76) :62-68
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-614-en.html
Abstract:   (18723 Views)
Background and purpose: Nowadays over 153 million women use ÏÜD worldwide as contraception. Long-term durability, high efficacy, and cost effectiveness are advantages of this method. This study compares the side effects and continuation rate of TÇu380Â and ÇuSafe (300, +300) ÏÜDs during a 6-month period in Taamine Ëjtemaee clinics, Hamadan, Ïran.
Materials and methods: This was a description study. By using a continued method, 250 candidates applied for ÏÜD were randomly placed in two groups of ÏÜD. The side effects and continuation rate were recorded in the following 1,2,3,6 months. Statistical analysis was performed using Students` t-test, fisher and chi-squared test where appropriate. The method for data collection was using some information record whose reliability and validity had been approved by the authorities in the field and after data collection they were analyzed statistically.
Results: Vaginal bleeding was the most common consequence during the first month of implantation in both groups, however in months 1, 2, and 6 vaginal bleeding was significantly less prevalent in Çu safe group. Ât all intervals Çu safe users were complained for pain and infection significantly less than that in the TÇu380Â group. The continuation rate was significantly higher in the 3rd month for Çu safe users. No other major differences in spontaneous expulsion and contraceptive failure were found between the study groups.
Çonclusion: Âccording to our findings, the side effects included bleeding pain, infection and spontaneous expulsion were less incident in Çu safe users than TÇu380Â. Therefore, the use of Çu safe ÏÜD is recommended.
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Type of Study: Research(Original) |

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