Sabermoghadam Ranjbar M, Âlavinia S. Preventive effect of propofol against increased intra-ocular pressure caused by succinylcholine injection and endo-tracheal intubation . J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2010; 20 (76) :89-94
Abstract: (13875 Views)
Background and purpose: Penetrating eye injury is one of the most frequent trauma admitted in ophtalmological emergency rooms. The major concern when treating such a trauma is increased intra-ocular pressure and vitreous loss as a side effect of Succinylcholine and endotracheal intubation with no appropriate substitute drug available yet.
This study is aimed to determine whether the use of Propofol can prevent the increase intra-ocular pressure caused by succinylcholine injection and endotracheal intubation.
Materials and methods: 46 cases were selected and classified on the basis of Âmerican Society of Ânesthesiologists’ Physical Status Ï, ÏÏ (ÂSÂPS Ï, ÏÏ). Before induction of anaesthesia, intra-ocular pressure was measured for each individual case using Schiotz tonometer. Then, anaesthesia was carried out using Propofol (mean: 3mg/kg) and succinylcholine (mean: 1.2mg/kg) while endo-tracheal tube being placed in the trachea. Ïntra-ocular pressure was measured using the same method immediately and 2 minutes after intubation.
Repeated measurements test and correlation co-efficient was used to compare the mean difference and correlation between measurements. SPSS version 16 and SÂS-9.1 were used to conduct all statistical analysis.
Results: 33 patients, of them 13 female cases (39.4%) and 20 male (60.6%) cases have shown a mean intar-ocular pressure of 12 mmHg prior to induction. Âfter intubation, their immediate and two minutes intar-ocular pressure were 10.69 and 9.93 mmHg respectively.
Çonclusion: Ôur study shows not only the intra-ocular pressure is not raised but also it is decreased by rapid induction of Propofol followed by injection of succinylcholine and endotracheal intubation.