Volume 13, Issue 38 (Mar 2003)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2003, 13(38): 49-53 | Back to browse issues page

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Sharif M, Haghi F, Hezar Jaribi H. Study on prevalence of mite contamination and the effective factors on the cause in the primary school students of sari city in 1999-2000. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2003; 13 (38) :49-53
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-753-en.html
Abstract:   (16195 Views)
Background and purpose: Since mite contamination is one of main skin infections and is also known as, one of the indicators, in measuring the level of hygiene in a society, a study was contucted in order to study the presence of mite in the primary school students of sari city.
Materials and methods: Âfter necessary coordination with the education and training office, from total number of 90 primary schools, seperated as girls and boys. 35 schools were selected randomly after cluster grouping. Çonsidering the results obtained from variables test, it was shown that, presence of trainer, parent’s level of education, father’s profession, common usage of personal belongings and observation of personal hygiene has important role in the rate of contamination in the school students. Âfter brief explanation about mite disease for them, the students with itching problem were identified, and sampling was done from them. Âfter observation of ovum, nanf or matured mite and/or mite skin, the students were considered as positive case and questionnair contaning variables such as, parents’ profession and education, using of private belongings and observing of personal hygiene, was filled with the help of school authorities and the students themselves. The collected data were analyzed statistically after coding, and the obtained results were compared by X2 and Z tests methods.
Results : Ïn this study, 10737 students were under investigation, of which 225(2.09%) were mite Çontaminated and, showing relatively the Same rate of infection in the girl and boy schools. From statisticad point of view, there was significant differance between infection and variables such as, having health trainer, father,s profession, parents’ level of educaton, common usage of belongings and, personal hygiene observation.
Çonclusion: Çonsidering the obtained results, it was clear that the prevalence of mite contamination in the students under study is 2.09%
Keywords: Scbies, Schools
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Type of Study: Research(Original) |

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