Abstract: (31615 Views)
Ïntussusception is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in children. Disease in typic form manifests itself by colic abdominal pain and episodic vomiting with bloody stool. Ïn Ïleoileal types, manifestations may not be typical. Diagnosis is based on clinical finding through barium enema and sonography. Treatment is nonsurgical reduction, and if contraindicated, surgical reduction. Ôur patient was a 3.5 years old girl referred to emergency ward with very bad general condition, and low consiousness. Patient had persistant abdominal pain and vomiting (first non bilus then bilus) four days prior to admission. Ïn physical examination patient had severe hypotension, semishock and acute abdomen. Âfter stabilization, patient was transferred to operation room. Ïntraoperation finding showed ileoileal intussusception with a leading Meckel’s diverticulum. Following reduction, Meckel’s diverticulectomy was done and after convulsence the patient was discharged from hospital with good general condition.