Abstract: (13415 Views)
Âcne agminata is a rare dermatosis of unknown etiology. Ôccurs predominantly in young adults. The disease is in the form of eruptions of brown, monomorph, multiple and symmetrical papules occuring in the chin, forehead, face and eyelids. Diascopy often shows apple-jelly appearance.
Lesions, histologically have a granulomatous appearance with a central caseification. The lesions heal with scars.
The patient was a 30 year old man admitted to Boo Âli Sina hospital with brown papules of yellow tip scattered on chin, eyelids and face.
Histological study showed granulomatous lesion with caseificated center located in the dermis.
Çonsidering the clinical and histological findings, patient was diagnosed as a case of acne agminata and was treated with dapson for 8 months. The lesions regressed completely with little remained pitted scars. The recurrence was not seen in follow up.
Ïn case of observation of the patients with above mentioned clinical manifestation, biopsy of lesions is necessary.
Ïn order to prevent scar formation, the treatment must be started as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed.