Abstract: (14588 Views)
Background and purpose: Çognitive reserve is a hypothetical construct which is widely used to explain how individuals vary considerably in the severity of cognitive aging and clinical dementia, despite the similar nature and extent of neurodegenerative changes. This study was conducted to investigate the current and premorbid ÏQ in the elderly with dementia in comparison with those without it.
Materials and methods: Ïn a cross-sectional study, using convenience sampling in nursing homes and the psychiatric clinic of Hafez Hospital in Shiraz, 70 participants were recruited and divided into two groups (35 patients and 35 healthy people) with the age range of 65-90 years. To gather data, the researchers used PÂRT (Persian Âdult Reading Test), four subtests of WÂÏS-R (vocabulary, arithmetic, block design, and picture completion), and Mini-Mental State Ëxamination.
Results: The results of an independent t-test showed that current and premorbid ÏQ (verbal and performance) in the elderly with dementia were significantly lower in comparison with those without dementia. Âlso results obtained from paired t-test indicated that dementic participants had lower current ÏQ in contrast to their premorbid ÏQ scores.
Çonclusion: Ït seems that premorbid ÏQ is a considerable factor for cognitive reserve and it is a basic criterion for evaluating the severity of cognitive decline. Âs a result, it helps predict the risk of developing dementia, to some extent.