Volume 12, Issue 35 (Jun 2002)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2002, 12(35): 67-75 | Back to browse issues page

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Gholami S, Motevali haghi F, Moabedi E, Shahabi S. Study of helmintic intestinal parasites in the rodents from the rural and central regions of Mazandaran province in the years 1997 to 1999 . J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2002; 12 (35) :67-75
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-88-en.html
Abstract:   (16240 Views)
Background and purpose: Study of intestinal parasites in the rodents has medical, hygienic, veternary and biologically importance. Referring to the given reports, the rate of infection to the different varieties of helmintic intestinal parasites like, nematodes, cestodes and trematodes in various geographical regions of Ïran is different. Hence in order to determine all types of helmintic intestinal parasites in the rodents and identify all types of them up to the species leval in the hunting regions, particularly from the rural areas of Mazandaran province, this study was conducted.
Materials and methods: This was a descriptive study done on 371 rodents hunted by net from urban areas of Mazandaran province, and transfered to laboratory, the characteristics were recorded, then dissection was done for isolation and identification of helmintic parasites. Parasites were identified to the genus and species levels by light microscope. Relevant data to each rodent and type of isolated parasites were recorded.
Results: From the total number of 371 hunted rodents in 7 species from areas of Mazandaran province, the highest number belonged to central area of province and the lowest belonged to Âmol township. The highest percentage of hunted rodents were rates species (40%) and the low percentage belonged to apodemos genus (2%) 8. Helmintic intestinal parasites were isolated from 6 species of hunted rodents. They were as follow: 3(27.2%) spp Nematodes, 3(19.7%) spp cestodes, and 1(0.3%) spp terematodes. The rate of infection in rodents to helmintic intestinal parasites was 47.2%. Which is described as follow: Syfhacia obvelata 3.5%, Nipostrongylus caspicus species 2.7%, Trichocephal muris 6%, Hetrakis Spomozoa 11.3%, Hymenolepis diminuta 15%, Çysticercus fasciolaris 0.5%, Metava teina 4% and Ëchinostoma ileocunum 0.3%.
Çonclusion: The results of this study indicate that, the distribution of the rodents varies according to the geographical regions, and the rate of contamination with types of nematodes is more than the types of cestodes and trematodes. The severity of nematodes is more than the other helmintic intestinal parasites. For the first time, in this research, two species of helmintic intestinal parasites Nipostrongyius caspicus i.e. Çaspicus species and Ëchinostoma ilocanum were identified.
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Type of Study: Research(Original) |

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