Abstract: (18505 Views)
Background and purpose: Although foreign body aspiration in children is uncommon but it is life-threatening in children under 3 years old. The aim of this study is to review the data records on nature, location and symptoms of foreign body aspiration, diagnostic method, and prediction for improving the health care knowledge and its prevention.
Materials and methods:Children with suspected foreign body aspiration were studies retrospectively from 2001 to 2009. Relevant clinical data including age, gender, place of residence, foreign materials and their location were retrieved.
Results:Eighty data records of 57 males and 23 females, ages 8 to 180 months were analysed. The most common age was under 3 years old (8 months to 3 years).Thirty eight cases lived in urban areas and 42 cases in rural areas. The most common symptom was cough. Fifteen percent of the subjects had normal clinical examination. The most common foreign bodies were nuts.
Conclusion: Foreign body aspiration is an uncommon but life threatening event which occurs mainly involves under 3 years old children. The most common cause is nuts. Close supervision of young children is essential as a preventive measure.