Volume 9, Issue 24 (Autumn 1999)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 1999, 9(24): 24-31 | Back to browse issues page

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Hadian K, Mokhbery V. Assessment and Identification of Precipitating Factors of Heart Failure in 140 patients In Immam Khomeini Hospital of Sari in 1376-77. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 1999; 9 (24) :24-31
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-932-en.html
Abstract:   (41591 Views)
Back ground and Purpose: Heart failure in one of the most prevalent causes of heart disease and mortality in heart patients. Taking into consideration its rising number in recent days as compare to last two decates. It has been bried to determine the reasons for rehospitalization of heart failure patients. The main point in this study is to find out the precipitating factors of heart failure in these patients.
Materials and Methods : 140 heart patients admitted to Imam Khomeini Hospital in Sari were studied by new data of case study , retrospectively. 111 patients were males and 24 of them were females. 44% of males and 38% of the females were from urbon areas , and the others were from rural areas. The mean age was ( 64.8 ± 12.2 ) , the mean time of onset of the disease was 3.8 years and.In this period , four times they were hospitalized .
Results : The risk factors which were the main cause of hospitalization were identified in 47.76% of patients. Diet , inproper intake or avoidance of prescribed druge were observed in 38.6% of the patients which are known as prevalent risk factors of heart malfunction. The other predisposing factors were anemia 35% cardiac arrythmias 33% , uncontrolled hypertension 22% , pulmonary infection 21% , in appropriate prescribed drugs 15% , emotional stress 15% , acute myocardial infarction 6.4% , extra physical activity 4.3% , prolonged travelling 2.9% , infections of the other organs (excluding lung) , Iatrogenic causes and thyrotoxicosis 2.1% , multiple myeloma and exacerbation of a non cardiac illness 0.7%.
Conclusion : Regarding the statistical results of the heart patients . It is attempled to reduce the number of the heart patients . The simplest and most applicable way is to insist in regular administration of drugs , introduction of all types of relevant medicines and following of proper diet , and reduction of salt consumption
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Type of Study: Research(Original) |

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