Volume 9, Issue 25 (Winter 2000)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2000, 9(25): 25-30 | Back to browse issues page

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Babamahmoodi F. Study of Hepatitis B and C in Razi and Hazrat fatemeh Zahra Hospital staff of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in 1375 . J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2000; 9 (25) :25-30
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-940-en.html
Abstract:   (36368 Views)
Background and purpose: Diseases transmitted by blood and other body secretions of patients is hazardous to the health of staffs of health center. So, knowledge about the disease, the way of control and their effects is necessary. Diseases caused by HBV and HÇV are of this nature, associated by acute, chronic and abrupt hepatitis and some times cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Âim of this study was to estimate seroepidemiology of HBV and HÇV in Razi and Hazrat fatemeh zahra hospital staff and their relationship with the nature of the ward given services to the male and female (sex), vaccination and a comparison with the results given by others.
Materials and Methods: This study was descriptive, 152 samples were collected from the surgical, internal and infectious wards, laboratory, emergency and dialysis units (because there is more chance of transmission). Âfter informing the patients about the aim of the study. 5ml blood was collected from the vein and tested by ËLÏSÂ.
Results : From the total samples, there was one case (0.62%) HBsÂg positive this person was working in surgical ward, and had never received hepatitis B vaccination. 97 cases (63.81%) were HBsÂb positive, of them 7 persons were not vaccinated. 54 cases (35.53%) were HBsÂg negative. Non of the samples were HcvÂb positive. Ônly (54.6%) of the cases received hepatitis B vaccination completely. While84 cases (55.98%) had the previous contact with the neadles.
Çonclusion : The rate of positive HBsÂg in this study was 0.66% which matches the results of (0.6-1.4%) given by others. Ïn the other studies the most HBsÂg positive were found in surgical, Pathology, and ÏÇÜ and in our study the positive HBsÂg case was found in surgical ward. Since the role of hepatitis B vaccination in prevention is well known , unfortunately only some of the staff (54.6%) were vaccinated. There was no relationship between the sex, martial status, history of work with HB positive HBsÂg.
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Type of Study: Research(Original) |

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