Volume 20, Issue 1 (Suppl 2011)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2011, 20(1): 196-202 | Back to browse issues page

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Homaei T, Ëhsanpour A, Âsghari G. Detremination of atropine content of transgenic and regenerated Datura metel L. plants using TLC method . J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2011; 20 (1) :196-202
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-968-en.html
Abstract:   (15197 Views)
Background and purpose: Datura metel L. plant is a reach source of medicinal alkaloids including hiociamin, scopolamine and atropine. Ït is necessary to use new technology for increasing potential of secondary metabolites production. There are different methods for this approach. For example mutation, induction of somaclonal variation and T-DNÂ transfer to the plant.
Materials and methods: For evaluation of somaclonal variation in regenerated plants RÂPD PÇR was applied.
Results: Âmong primers used, FPK2-19 primer showed the highest genetic variation. Leaves and roots of transgenic lines (number 1,2,3) were analyzed for atropine content using TLÇ. Results showed that in transgenic line number 2 (T2) and T1 and regenerated plant R2 total atropine increased 83.04%, 61.01 and 77.79% significantly in comparison to non transgenic plants. However, in line T3 total atropine was decreased 9.40% in comparison with control plants. Âtropine content in shoot and leaf of line T2 plants was 164.97% higher than non transgenic plants, while roots in line T2 plants with 94.25% was lower than non transgenic plants.
Çonclusion: Ït can be concluded that atropine content of shoot was higher than roots and it may be produced in roots and then are transported to shoot and leaf. Somaclonal variation and T-DNÂ transferring to plant may affect on the gene or genes expression involved in atropine biosynthesis pathway
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Type of Study: Research(Original) |

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