Abstract: (5697 Views)
while vaccination against SARS‐CoV‐2 could stop the pandemic of COVID19, there are still concerns about the vaccine‐related side effects.One of the neurological adverse effects following administration of COVID vaccines is motor neuron disease. In this case we report a unique case of motor neuron disease post the second dose of Sinopharm vaccine is presented.A 43 years old man with no evidence of prior SARS COV2 infection presented with progressive muscular weakness after receiving the second dose of Sinopharm covid-19 vaccine.
Upon physical examination, laboratory data, Electromyogram and Nerve Conduction Study (EMG-NCS) and also muscle biopsy suggested the diagnosis of Covid-19 associated motor neuron disease. The patient was treated with Riluzole and Edaravone to delay the progression rate. This case described a possible link between Covid-19 Sinopharm vaccine and motor neuron disease. However further data are required to confirm such an association.
Type of Study:
Case Report |