Volume 29, Issue 180 (12-2019)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2019, 29(180): 1-7 | Back to browse issues page

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Akbari F, Azadbakht M, Davoodi A, Vahedi L. Protective Effect of Sankol Herbal Product on Kidney Stone in Balb/C Mice. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2019; 29 (180) :1-7
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-12336-en.html
Abstract:   (5604 Views)
Background and purpose: Kidney stone is a common form of kidney disease and many efforts have been made to find medications for its prevention and treatment. Current study evaluated the protective effects of Sankol herbal product in the formation of renal stone in male Balb/c mice.
Materials and methods: Nephrolithiasis was induced in male Balb/C mice within 21 days by adding 75% ethylene glycol (EG) v/v and 2% Ammonium Chloride (AC) w/v in drinking water. Animals were divided into three groups (n=12 per group); a control group that received purified water, another group that was given EG/AC and the other group that received Sankol (Goldaro Company, Isfahan, Iran) 888mg/kg. 
Results: In EG/AC group, increased levels of serum creatinine, urea, and uric acid indicated renal damage.  In the group that received Sankol, these levels decreased which could help in preventing kidney stones. Histopathologic evidence showed inflammation and renal deposition in EG/AC group. In Sankol group, a decrease in the levels of renal sediments was observed, while inflammation of kidney and tissue damage increased. Present findings did not prove the safety of Sankol.
Conclusion: This study showed the beneficial effect of Sankol in preventing kidney stones but various side effects question treatment with this product. 
Full-Text [PDF 493 kb]   (1453 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research(Original) | Subject: Pharmacognosy

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