Volume 10, Issue 27 (Jun 2000)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2000, 10(27): 66-74 | Back to browse issues page

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Rezaie N, Mehdizadeh H, Khalilian A. A Study to determine the Rate of Medical record knowledge of the Managers in Educational treatment and treatment centers in Mazandaran and Golestan provinces in 1999 . J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2000; 10 (27) :66-74
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-303-en.html
Abstract:   (14888 Views)
Background and Purpose: Ïn hospitals or the other health service centers which deal with the life of the human resources who are the main economical resources, the main required information for planning and effective decision making are provided to managers by Medical Record Department in format and chart. This study was designed and performed in order to determine the rate of Medical record knowledge of the Managers in hospitals and the other health service centers under studying.
Materials and Methods: This study was descriptive and done on 24 and 12 managers from Mazandaran and Golestan provinces respectively. The data were collected in closed and open questionnaires filled by the managers.
Results: This study showed that 10.15 (66.6%) managers of educational- treatment centers and 12.9 (90.4%) managers of treatment centers had weak or very less knowledge of Medical record, but the rate of the knowledge of the managers in Ëducational-Treatment centers was more than in treatment centers. The data were analyzed by X2 test which showed statistically significant differences (P<0.05). 31.36 (86%) of the managers had non-management Üniversity degree. 5.36(13.8%) of managers had management Üniversity degree, but none of hospital management. The jop service of 26.36 (72.1%) and management experience of 29.39 (80.5) of the managers was one to two years. 5.36 (13.8%) of them were diploma or completed two-year university course and the rest had bachelor degree or higher. 19.34 (55.8%) of the administrators Medical record had diploma or under diploma. The main inefficiency of medical record was due to ignorance of the physicians and paramedical staff. Ând the main reson of unestablished medical record committee in these two stats was due to no request from the medical record administrators.
Çonclusion: For inhancing the optimization of hospital it is better to appoint those who are qualified in general management or hospital management and also the selected managers attend different workshop, and the present managers abserne different short courses on medical record subject. Ïn order to increase the efficiency of medical record in order to receive proper records the medical record staff preferably be selected from the bachelor degreee or the higher.
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Type of Study: Research(Original) |

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