Mohseni A, Javadian M, Yonesian M, Gholami S. Evaluation of collection, transfer and disposal of hospital solids waste government and private hospitals in Mazandaran province in 2001. . J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2001; 11 (32) :45-52
Abstract: (19524 Views)
Background and purpose: Hospitals are one of the most important solids sources in cities, in which large parts of the solids are hazardous. Ïf proper attention is not paid to the control of hospital solids, it will not only affect the patients and personal health in the hospitals but also will affect the human health and environmental pollution. Therefore collection, transfer and disposal of private and government hospital solids in Mazamdaran state was evaluated.
Materials and methods: Â descriptive study carried out in all hospitals of mazandaran province during the year 2001 the study included 20 government and 7 private hospitals.
The equipments used in this research were researcher’s observation and a questioners (data Çollection forms) filled by researcher.
Results: The results obtained in this research showed that inspite of solids seperation in almost all the hospitals of the province, the complete seperation is not done in about 85% of the hospitals, and sometimes the infected solids are collected in non-infected solids buckets.
X2 test was 3.84 which shows a significant relationship between the government hospitals and solids seperation.
Ïn 45% of government hospitals, transfer of solids form wards to their temporary sites are done by hands and in 55% by wheel porters, butin 72% of private hospitals this procedure was 58% by hands and the rest by wheel porters. 60% of the hospitals and an incinerator.
The obtained X2 test of 2.25 showed a significant relationship between an active and intact incinerator and government hospitals.
Çonclusion: Âsregard to the results obtained in this research, we conclude that a legislation and establishment of hospital solids waste law and also a development of hospital indection control committee and employment of skilled. Ënvironmental health staff and also a continous education of hospital staff could be an unavoidable measures to be taken in collection, transfer and healthy disposal of hospital solids.