Volume 25, Issue 132 (1-2016)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2016, 25(132): 229-234 | Back to browse issues page

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Mousavi S A, Nikkhah M, Poormoosa R, Mousavi S J, Ahangar Darabi A. Evaluation of Tympanometry Results and the Need for Ventilation Tube Placement in Children with Cleft Palate . J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2016; 25 (132) :229-234
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-6746-en.html
Abstract:   (8813 Views)

Background and purpose: Cleft palate is one of the most common anomaly of face and hearing loss is one of its main complications. In this study, we evaluated the status of tympanometry and the need for ventilation tube (VT) in patients with cleft palate.

Materials and methods: A descriptive study (during 11 years) was done in children between one to two years of age referring for cleft palate repair. Before operation, tympanometry was performed in all patients and results were recorded in the form of standard groups A, B, and C. If the tympanogram had shown type B or C, VT was placed in tympanic membrane. The type of middle ear discharge in the form of serosa, glue or purulent were recorded. Finally, these observations were compared with the results of tympanometry and type of cleft palate.

Results: A total of 48 patients entered the study, of whom 22 were boys and 26 were girls. The mean age of the subjects was 15 months. Tympanometry before surgery had shown type A in 21 ears, type B in 68 ears and type C in others. In fact, 87.5% of patients had shown at least one abnormal ear that needed VT insertion. Middle ear effusion was seen in 93.3% of cases. The effusions were viscous or purulent in 80% of the cases, and there was a significant relationship between the type of discharge and tympanometry results.

Conclusion: The majority of patients with cleft palate have impaired tympanogram, therefore, insertion of VT is acceptable even without performing initial evaluation by tympanometry.

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Type of Study: Research(Original) | Subject: Otolaryngology or ENT

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