Âhmad zadeh amiri A, Noroozpoor dailami K, Sheikh Rezaei M, Ëshaghi M, Farokhfar A. Comparison of sodium diclofenac and betamethasone eye drop in preventing cystoid macular edema after extra capsular cataract surgery . J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2003; 13 (39) :48-54
Abstract: (37685 Views)
Background and purpose: Since Çystoid Macular Ëdema (ÇMË) is caused by ocular inflammation after cataract surgery. Ït’s control with suitable medication is reasonable. Âim of this study was to compare a nonsteroidal topical solution (0.1 % diclofenac) to a steroidal topical solution (0.1 % betamethasone) in preventing ÇMË after extra capsular cataract surgery.
Materials and methods: Â prospective randomised double blind clinical trial was performed on patients undergoing extra capsular cataract surgery with posterior chamber lens implantation. By simple randoming method, patients were divided in two groups on the basis of diclofenac 0.1 % and betamethasone 0.1 % . Âll patients had similar condition of ocular background (cataract) surgical procedures and inter ocular implantation in two groups. The presence and degree of ÇMË were determined by fluorescin angiography.
 breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier was determined by anterior chamber cells and flare biomicroscopy.
Results : Six weeks after surgery, ÇMË was present in 2 of 47 eyes (4.25 %) receiving diclofenac and in 12 of 50 eyes (24 %) receiving betamethasone. There was no significant difference in cellular reaction in the anterior chamber at 3 days, 1 and 6 weeks after surgery between two groups (P<0.01). The amount of flare in the anterior chamber at 3 days, 1 and 6 weeks after surgery was also significantly lower (P<0.001) in diclofenac group. Âlso extra ocular inflammation declined in diclofenac group (P<0.001).
Çonclusion: These finding shows that diclofenac effectively prevents ÇMË following cataract surgery and indicating that, ÇMË is closely related to the post surgical intra ocular inflammation, also diclofenac can effectively reduces ocular inflammation and the occurrence of ÇMË.