Volume 27, Issue 157 (2-2018)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2018, 27(157): 17-34 | Back to browse issues page

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pourheydar B, pourali A, Farjah G, karimipour M, heshmatian B, pourheydar M. Effect of Co-administration of Ubiquinone and Vitamin C on Changes of Behavioral, Histological and Biochemical Parameters in Contusion Model of Rat Spinal Cord Injury. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2018; 27 (157) :17-34
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-8248-en.html
Abstract:   (4924 Views)

Background and purpose: Spinal cord injury (SCI) is one of the most disabling diseases with various physical and psychological consequences. One of the treatments of SCI is using agents that have neuroprotective effects such as Vitamin C and ubiquinone. This research aimed at investigating the effect of co-administration of these agents on rat experimental model of SCI.
Materials and methods: Adult male Wistar rats (n=40) were divided into sham, lesion, AA, CO10, and AA+COQ10 groups. In sham group only laminectomy was performed and in other groups contusion model of SCI was done. After 24 hr, the animals in AA, COQ10, and AA+COQ10 groups received intraperitoneal injection of AA, COQ10 and AA+COQ10, respectively. Then, behavioral assessment and biochemical study were performed. Eight weeks after treatment, the brains were removed and 5µ sections were prepared. Finally, cresyl violet staining was done.
Results: There was a significant difference in BBB score of AA, COQ10 groups compared to that of the AA+COQ10 group (P<0.001). A Significant difference was also seen in MDA level in AA+COQ10 group compared to that in lesion group (P=0.017). Compared with the lesion group, the serum GR level in AA+COQ10 group significantly increased (P=0.018). The average number of normal motor neurons in anterior spinal horn significantly increased in treatment groups compared to that in lesion group (P<0.001)
Conclusion: Co-administration of AA and COQ10 in contusion model of SCI led to functional recovery, reduction of MDA, increase of GR level in serum and increase of motor neurons survival in anterior spinal horn.

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Type of Study: Research(Original) | Subject: histology

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